Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Wednesday - the Baptism of Christ

Prayer:  Return to the Lord,  Your God,  for He is tenderness and compassion.  O God of tenderness and compassion, O Master, slow to anger who is full of love and truth,  turn towards me and have compassion.  Give Your strength to Your servant, and salvation to the child of Your People.  Give me a sign of Your kindness for Lord, You help and comfort me all of my days.  In Jesus name we pray.  Amen.

Read St. Luke  3: 21-22

The Baptism of Christ.    Theologians and Scholars have debated this topic for years.   Their arguments are,  Jesus is the Son of God and Truly Divine,  therefore Jesus did not need to be Baptized.     Other Theologians and Scholars state while that is true,  Jesus needed a visual sign that he was baptized so that others could see and hear that Jesus is the Messiah,  the son of God.
What is important for us today is the example that Luke wrote about Jesus.  Jesus was baptized by water -  a sign of repentance and turning to God.  Then as Jesus was praying,  the heavens opened.  This phrase “the heavens opened” means that there was a vision… hold onto your sandals people,  something from God is about to happen.    The Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus in bodily form like a dove.  And a voice from heaven says, “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased”.      Wow.    This is the Messiah. 
Baptism is one of two sacraments in the Presbyterian Church in Canada.  We still use water as a sign and seal of the covenant of God.    Water is cleansing and makes all things new.      Water is also a sign of the coming of the Holy Spirit.   Baptism is a time of repentance and a visual sign that we are returning to God.   
Today,  remember the words that God said to Jesus, “You are my Son/Daughter, whom I love;  with you I am well pleased”.      

Prayer:     We call upon You, Lord God.  You know everything,  nothing escapes from You.  Be my rock and my fortress O Lord.    You call us and instruct us and open the way for us to follow.  You have given us wisdom and understanding for life eternal.  Be my rock and my fortress O Lord.  We remember You today O Lord and can say with great joy that You love us and are well pleased with us.   Amen.

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