Prayer: Lamb
of God, You take away the sins of the
world, have mercy upon us. Oh
Lord, open our minds to Your glory. Oh Lord, open our hearts to Your
calling. Oh Lord, open our souls to Your love. This we ask in the name of Your son. Amen.
Luke 23: 39 – 43
With Jesus at the place of the Skull are two
criminals. One of the criminals begin
to hurl insults at Jesus. Yet it is the
other criminal who responds first. He
responds by telling the criminal who had been hurling insults at Jesus that
they are under the same sentence as Jesus but they are punished for their deeds
while Jesus has done nothing wrong.
How did this second criminal know that Jesus had
done nothing wrong? Had he been part of
the crowds that listened to Jesus’ teaching?
Had he been nearby when Jesus was sentenced? We don’t know. But what we do know is this man did commit a
crime and knew of the punishment for the crime he committed as well as (and
most importantly), he asked Jesus to
remember him in His kingdom. This man
knew that Jesus was the Son of God.
But this scripture passage does not end with the
criminal asking Jesus to remember him in His kingdom. This scripture passage continues with Jesus
saying, “I tell you the truth, today you
will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23: 43
NIV Zondervan, 1983)
Jesus not only talks to the criminal but also
confirms that after death, the criminal
will be in heaven. Wow. What do you think the criminal thought at
that very moment? Do you think the
criminal would have been amazed at Jesus’ words? Jesus’ words would have brought comfort to
the criminal.
Today you will be with me in paradise…. Today you
will be with me in the Kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of God is not only in heaven but also here on earth in each
of our hearts and lives.
Have you ever been amazed at Jesus’ words in the
Bible? Have you ever read a portion
of scripture and found comfort?
Prayer: Great
God, our lives are changed when we
remember You. We thank You that today
and at the end of our lives, we are with You in paradise. Continue to heal us today O Lord, and make
us whole so that we can share Your love with our family and our friends and our
community. Lamb of God,
You take away the sins of the World,
grant us Your peace. Amen.
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