May I open my
heart to You today, O LORD. May I set my
heart on doing Your will this day, O LORD.
My rock and my redeemer. Amen.
What it all Means
From a
discussion of Worship in 1 Timothy 2:8-15
and what should be the proper etiquette of Worship, Paul moves through to what the Ephesian
Christian community needs to look for in an Overseer and Deacon.
One thing we
need to remember is the Christian Community was a community that worshipped
together…. males and females worshipped together. During Paul’s time, this was not something
that happened with many other religions.
Men and Women usually were separated for worship.
Then Paul
proceeds to give Timothy another bit of advice.
“Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an
overseer, he desires a noble task.” (1 Timothy 3:1). This is Paul’s second bit of advice using
the phrase “here is a trustworthy saying”.
The other advice was 1 Timothy 1: 15.
Paul sets out a
list of gifts and qualifications that Overseers must have. If anyone is contemplating a call to
ministry, this is a list that you need
to check against yourself. Paul gives
this list to Timothy because the care and nurture of God’s people is a noble
task. Noble not in the sense of prestige
but noble in the sense of having
excellent moral character…. of being a servant.
But isn’t the
call to ministry a Divine call and not something we just want to do? Indeed.
But for Paul, the call to
ministry is a three step process. First,
in Acts 20:28 Paul states an affirmation to the divine call. One had to be called by God in order to
undertake ministry to God’s people.
Second, the individual must have
inner aspirations and convictions to that call.
Have a firm grasp of what it means to be a Christian. And third, it is here in 1 Timothy that Paul gives the Christian community a list
of requirements for the community to measure whether the candidate meets the
requirements and would be considered for Ministry.
Great God, I thank You that some are called to minister
to Your people. I know that this is
not an easy vocation and ask that You be with all ministers this day. Help them in their struggles and in their
joys. And may I be a help to ministers
today. May I build up ministers instead
of tearing them down. In Jesus name I
pray. Amen.
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