Quite frequently in our hurried world, we forgot to take time to be with God. Today is the day to be with God through prayer.
Today you will be asking God to take your faith and put it into action. Sit in your chair, upright but comfortable, with your back supported. Place this Devotional somewhere where you can still read it but it won’t slip or slide onto the floor. Let your body relax (without slouching), with your feet on the floor in front of you and your hands at rest on your thighs or joined in your lap.
Take a few deep breaths and relax in God’s presence. Relax in God’s presence by saying, “Father in heaven, by the power of Your Holy Spirit and the healing of Your Son, purify me from being too wrapped up in myself. Keep my mind from wandering, and my thoughts pure. Help me to understand what I read and let it deepen my love for You, that in union with Your Son, Jesus Christ, and Your people everywhere, I may add my praises to the prayers of all Your people in the glory of heaven."
Now let your whole attention focus on what you can feel in your body. Start at your feet and say the following prayer, then say the following prayer:
Holy God, You created my feet to be joyful in Your presence. Let my feet serve You with gladness and may I come into Your presence with joyful song this day.
Next focus on your ankles and pray: Holy God, You created my ankles to be joyful in Your presence. Let my ankles serve You with gladness and may I come into Your presence with joyful song this day.
Next focus on your knees and pray: Holy God, You created my knees to be joyful in Your presence. Let my knees serve You with gladness and may I come into Your presence with joyful song this day.
Next focus on your hips and pray: Holy God, You created my hips to be joyful in Your presence. Let my hips serve You with gladness and may I come into Your presence with joyful song this day.
Focus on your back and pray: Holy God, You created my back to be joyful in Your presence. Let my back serve You with gladness and may I come into Your presence with joyful song this day.
Focus on your heart and pray: Holy God, You created my heart to be joyful in Your presence. Let my heart serve You with gladness and may I come into Your presence with joyful song this day.
Focus on your mind and pray: Holy God, You created my mind to be joyful in Your presence. Let my mind serve You with gladness and may I come into Your presence with joyful song this day.
Focus on your ears and pray: Holy God, You created my ears to be joyful in Your presence. Let my ears serve You with gladness and may I come into Your presence with joyful song this day.
Focus on your eyes and pray: Holy God, You created my eyes to be joyful in Your presence. Let my eyes serve You with gladness and may I come into Your presence with joyful song this day.
Focus on your mind and pray: Holy God, You created my mind to be joyful in Your presence. Let my mind serve You with gladness and may I come into Your presence with joyful song this day.
Great God, Holy Comforter, and Divine Healer, to You I humbly offer my soul and body, my thoughts and ideas, my words and my actions, my hopes and my fears, my heart and all its affections. All that I have and all that I am, to be governed and guided by You this day so that my faith will become my action this day. In Jesus’ name I ask this. Amen.
(adapted from “God of Surprises” by Gerard Hughes and “Seven Whole Days” by Mowray Publishing)
Many blessings!
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