Wheee, what a weekend. Husband Mine covered my shifts at the Brandon Fair on Saturday as I was feeling horrid. Many thanks and praise to him as it is not easy to sit or stand in one tiny confined area. Old Son and his computer science friend got the Museum Artefact Computer Program working. Hurrah. While they couldn't find 31 artefacts, that is a simple thing to re-enter... especially on a program that now works! Hurrah!
Sunday was preaching at St. Andrews here in Brandon. They are such an awesome congregation. Sunday evening, I received a call from one of the congregational members... another congregational member was in hospital and not doing very well. As I don't drive, I called the Interim Moderator and asked if he would go visit and say prayers. He would not. I was floored. I was trained "back in the day" when a congregational member called and said, "Please come" that the ministering person went with great haste. Which then asks the question of, "So what does it mean to be a servant?" What does it mean to be called as a minister to serve those who are in need of Christ? I understand it to be doing God's work with our whole hearts.... not just when it suits us or is convient for us.
And the end result to the congregational members request? Another minister and myself went up to the Hospital to visit the congregational member and her words were, "I am so glad you came to say prayers. I have no family and your visit means so much to me." Comfort of the sick and sorrowing...this is part of what it means to be a minister.
Reading the retreat today makes me chuckle... even back in the day of Jesus, his disciples (or disciples' mother) didn't fully understand what it means to be a disciple of Jesus! Go figure!
Monday Retreat.....
Prayer: May we go out into the world in peace this day O Lord. Whatever we do, in word or deed, may we do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God through him. Amen.
Read St. Matthew 20: 20 - 28
Along comes the mother of James and John, the Zebedee brothers, and asks Jesus to reward her sons with the highest place of honour in heaven. Oh boy. Someone is definitely not getting the mother of the year award. While she was trying to do the best for her sons, she did not understand the Kingdom of Heaven .
Acceptance into heaven is not based on service. Our place in heaven has already been granted for us.
When the other Disciples heard what James and John (and their Mom) had done, they loose their tempers. Jesus settles them all down and says, “Whoever wants to be great must become a servant. Whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave. That is what the Son of Man has done: He came to serve, not be served – an then to give away his life in exchange for the many who are held hostage” (The Message translation St. Matthew 20: 24-28).
We came to serve, not be served. Serving is not easy nor did Jesus ever say it was going to be easy. But we serve out of our great love of God. This is what we need to remember today as we share the Good News of Jesus with our community.
Prayer: God, You have told us what is good. You have told us through the Scriptures what You require of us. May we do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with You this day O Lord God. Amen.
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