Boy, this last chapter of the Gospel According to St. Matthew is tough reading. We know the story, yet we only focus upon this story during Easter.
Two random thoughts from today's scripture....
Today we reflect that Jesus undertook an amazing amount of suffering to free us from sin. So each time we are in a situation where we think we can't get out of the situation, remember that Jesus is with us always. Jesus lived through a horrendous time of suffering.
The second random thought is the group mentality of the soldiers. While mocking prisoners was something the Romans did, how much more of the mocking was due to group mentality. Frequently when we get in a group we go along with what people are doing and saying. Today step back in retreat, look at the people you hang out with. What are they really like? Do they bring about the love of Christ or do they belittle others?
Live today knowing that you bring the light of Christ into your world.
Friday Retreat.....
Prayer: Merciful God, we read the story of the soldiers mocking Jesus and we shudder in horror and sadness. This day be with those who are still mocked because of their belief in Jesus Christ, Your Son. Uphold those who need You this day. But in all things, we ask that Your will be done. This we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Read St. Matthew 27: 27 – 31
The Soldiers mock Jesus. The soldiers take Jesus into the Praetorium (the Governor’s palace) and dress Jesus in a red toga. Togas were worn by the Romans, the Greeks, and the Etruscans. Men wore togas and a white toga was a sign of citizenship. But what was important about a red toga? Women who were prostitutes were required to wear red togas as a sign of their profession. So the soldiers putting a red toga on Jesus are insulting him beyond belief.
The crown of thorns placed upon Jesus’ head was a parody of the civic crown worn by the Emperor. Yet this crown of thorns was also a harkening back to the sacrifice of the Old Testament. The Messiah would come and fulfil the sacrifice.
Then soldiers continue to mock Jesus. They take off the red toga and place Jesus’ own clothes back on Jesus. Then they all proceed to the crucifixion.
Why would the soldiers have done these horrors to Jesus? Unfortunately beating prisoners and mocking prisoners was a Roman thing. Horrid. Yet, the prophets of the Old Testament had preached that the Messiah would be mocked (Micah 5:1). This was one of the signs for the Jewish people that the Messiah was in their midst.
Prayer: Ever Loving God, we cry to You of the darkness that is in our world. We cry to You of the poor choices people make and turn their backs on Your Word. This day, use me as You see fit to bring Your love and Your peace into this world. Amen.
Many blessings!
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