Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Tuesday -- startling realizations

Startling realizations.   Have you ever been somewhere and suddenly across the room, you spot someone you think you know?   Further glimpses of this person makes you realize that it is indeed someone you know.    The realization is rather like our brain turned on a lightbulb and made all things clearer.
In today's readings  the Captain of the guard and the soldiers have a startling realization.  They suddenly know Jesus is the Son of God.    

Tuesday Retreat....
Prayer:  Holy God,  when Your Son was on the cross,  You were with Him.  Your love never quits.  When we are in situations of hurt and pain we remember that Your love never quits.  You are with us always.  For this we rejoice and give You our love.  Amen.

Read St. Matthew 27: 45 – 56

“Eli, Eli Lama sabachthani”.   This phrase comes from Psalm 22: 1-2.   The language Jesus used is a compilation of Hebrew and Syriac.  While we think this is a phrase of desperation,  this is actually Jesus praying the great prayer of God’s goodness.  Every person standing near-by who heard Jesus quote from Psalm 22 would know this Psalm.   This Psalm was part of Worship and all men (boys) would have learned this Psalm.

As Jesus breaths his last breath,  the Temple curtain is torn in two.   This would have been a significant eye-opener for the High Priests and Religious Leaders.  Something like a curtain being torn in two was not done by human hands. And if people still didn’t understand about the death and resurrection of Jesus,  there is an earthquake.   And some of the people who were dead are raised to life. 

The Captain of the guard  and soldiers realized that this man who had just been crucified was the Son of God.

And watching from a distance was Mary Magdalene,  Mary the mother of James and Joseph,  and the mother of the Zebedee brothers.  

Prayer:  Almighty God, You are never at a distance when we are in despair.  You are never at a distance when  we are mired in hopelessness.  You are with us each step of our everyday.   For this we give You our thanks and love.  Amen.

Many blessings!

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