Friday, 15 February 2013

Friday - putting your faith in action

Prayer:  All our hope is founded in You,  Great God.  In You we put our trust anew.   Work through us Your change and Your love.  Guide us in Your path of love and truth.   You are our hearts desire.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Read St. Luke 8:  19 – 21

Jesus’ mother and brothers come to see Jesus.  They are not able to get anywhere near Jesus because of the crowd.    Someone tells Jesus that his Mother and brothers are outside wanting to see Jesus.   “Brothers” in Jewish understanding frequently meant bothers and male cousins as well.  

Does Jesus immediately say, “excuse me” to the crowd and go visit with his Mother and brothers?  Not at all.  Instead Jesus replies, “My Mother and brothers are those who hear God’s word and put it into practice.”   What?   This seems like an odd comment.   In actual fact,  Jesus is praising his Mother and brothers for hearing the Word of God and then putting their faith  into action.    Some Biblical Scholars state that the Greek used here means all Mothers and all Brothers who hear the Word of God and put it into practice.   
How do we put our faith into action?  It means taking what we have learned in Worship,  in Bible Study,  in meditation  and getting out into our community to heal the sick,  cloth the poor,  feed the hungry,  and care for the widow.  We must take what we have learned  in Worship,  Bible Study,  prayer, and meditation  and go share this wonderful Good News with others.

Winnipeg Inner City Mission and Kenora Fellowship Centre are always looking for people to put their faith into action,  not only monetarily but also through items to help heal the sick, cloth the poor, feed the hungry, and care for the widow.

(Anamiewigummig) Kenora Fellowship Centre is currently looking for help with finding the following items:
1.  New Commercial Dishwasher
2.  Underwear for men and women
3.  Winter coats for men and women (large sizes preferred)
4.  Long underwear and socks for men and women
5.  Shampoo and Conditioner
6.  Playing Cards
7.  Blankets
8.  Winter boots size 10 or 11
9.   Hats and Mitts
10.  Any non-perishable food items

When people get together to help bring God’s Word into the community,  great things happen.     

 First Presbyterian Church, Portage La Prairie has run a Soup Kitchen for the many        years.    Helpers are not only from the congregation but also the community.   Wow!  What a great way to share the Good News with others!    

Today what one thing will you do to put your faith into action? 

Prayer:    Almighty Giver of love and life,   we lift up to You in prayer the work done by the Winnipeg Inner City Mission,  the Kenora Fellowship Centre,  and First Presbyterian Church,  Portage la Prairie.   Strengthen their workers so that they can serve You with boundless joy.   Call us O LORD  to respond to the work and mission of these houses of prayer.   This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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