Sunday, 17 February 2013

Sunday - Lent 1 - A time of Meditation

You will need a Bible,   comfy chair,     paper  and a pen/pencil.

 Before we begin today’s  Lenten Retreat,  settle yourself into a comfy chair.   Once you are settled  take a slow breath inward.   As your breath inward,  think of this breathe as the love of Jesus.    When you breath out,  think of this breathe as the love of Jesus being shared with everyone. 
Breath in the love of Jesus.
Breath out the love of Jesus being shared with everyone
Breath in the love of Jesus
Breath out the love of Jesus being shared with everyone.

Prayer:  Here I am Lord Jesus Christ.  I am here in Your presence.   You have brought me to this moment.   Speak Lord  for I am listening to You…..

Picture Jesus sitting beside you and  Read  St Luke 8: 19 - 21
Breath in the love of Jesus.
Breath out the love of Jesus being shared with everyone
Breath in the love of Jesus
Breath out the love of Jesus being shared with everyone.

Meditate upon St. Luke  8: 19 - 21 with these questions
* I see or contemplate each person in those events, especially Jesus himself.
*  I listen to the words, spoken or implied. I ask myself what they might mean. Do they apply to me?
*  I ponder   the actions, gestures and emotions of Jesus.   Ask Jesus how I can put my faith into action as He did every day.
  *   What touched my heart about this scripture?   What did I find difficult?
   *   Was there something I would like to return to?
   *   Was there a phrase of verse that I would like to remember?

Jesus, how can I put my faith into action for You this  day.  
I am  aware of the love Jesus has for me. 

Breath in the love of Jesus.
Breath out the love of Jesus being shared with everyone
Breath in the love of Jesus
Breath out the love of Jesus being shared with everyone.

Closing Prayer:   Thank you Lord for the time spent in meditation and prayer.  May I come to see You more clearly.  May I  come to love You more dearly.  May I come to do Your work You have set for me to do..... Almighty God, You have taught us to pray not only for ourselves but for all people.  Help us to look with compassion and understanding upon the needs of others.  We pray for the Church catholic,  gathered all over the world for prayer this day.  may we ever more and more visibily become the one great family of Christ  for all, uniting all in peace and concord for Your sake.  We ask You to hear our prayers, O LORD.
We pray for all who suffer at the hands of those who bear prejudice and pride and who bear patiently the burden of bitterness and hate.  Grant them the peace Christ brings which the world cannot take away, that they may be peacemakers for Your sake.  We ask You to hear our prayers, O LORD. 
We pray for all who suffer from hunger or disease and who do not know what the future holds.  Quicken the concern of all who possess an abundance of good things that they may have mercy on the poor.   Crown the skill and wisdom of doctors and nurses and of all who are endowed with healing power,  for the sake of Christ.   We ask You to hear our prayers,  O LORD.  Amen
(Book of Common Order of the Presbyterian Church in Canada,  1964.  pg 176-177).

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