Monday, 27 January 2014

Monday - wisdom

Prayer:  Wisdom let us attend.  Peace be unto all.  Grant us wisdom O LORD so that we can discern Your will for the work that You call us to do this day.  In Jesus name.  Amen.

            Read James 3: 11-13

There are two different kinds of wisdom that we read about in today and tomorrow’s passages.   Wisdom that comes from God  and is filled with humility and peace.   But, James reminds us,  if this wisdom in our hearts also comes along with envy and selfish ambition  then  that is not wisdom that comes from God.
We have to be consistant in living our lives as the followers of God.  We can't be  of heavenly thoughts one day and  mean spirited the next day.   Sure we all have off days  or days  when the burdens of work seem unbearable... but that does not mean we have to fly off the handle at people in anger.  The wisdom that comes from God  is even tempered and consistant.

Prayer:  Great God,  we ask for wisdom this day so that we can continue Your work here on earth that is still to be done.   Grant us wisdom to help those who need healing.   Grant us even tempers when our workload seems to be unbearable.  Remind us yet again that You are the healer of all burdens and all indecisiveness.   We thank You  and may we live this day in Your joy and Your praise.    This we ask in Your Son's  name.  Amen.

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