Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Wednesday - New Year's Day - The Fullness of Time

Prayer:  Great God,  we stand on this,  the beginning of the New Year.  We stand in Your presence knowing that You give us the fullness of time.  May  we live out this year in joy and love and sharing our gifts with others.  But whatever comes our way,  we will remember to live our life in You.  This we ask in Your Son's  name.  Amen.

The fullness of time.  Some people make New Year's  resolutions of what they will do this year that will be new and different.   Advertisers on TV have discovered that this is the best time to remind people about loosing weight,  stop smoking, and  exercise more.    We view each new year as a leaving behind of our old lives and stepping into a new life.    

In the Church year,  Advent is our "new year".  This was our time for preparation for the coming of the Holy Infant.  We have prepared and returned to God.  And now we stand again in a new year. 

Read  Ephesians  1: 13 - 23

Paul writes to the Ephesians  and the key points are this:
*giving thanks for others
*praying unceasingly that God  may  give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we might know God better
* that the eyes of our heart may be enlightened in order that we may know the hope God has called us to.
* the work and love of God shines through everything we do and say if we remember to step back and let God in our lives.
* the fullness of Jesus  fills everything in every way.

What  a great way to begin the calendar New Year.  Knowing the fullness of time in God. 

Prayer:  Holy God,   help us to wipe our old slate clean so that we can stand  at the beginning of this New Year with new thoughts and new ideas and our hearts filled with renewed joy and love.  Let us forgive those and ourselves for our old lives and look forward to living a renewed life in You.  This we ask in Jesus' name.  Amen.

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