Saturday 11 August 2012

Saturday - Preparing for Sabbath

Prayer:     Holy God,  prepare our hearts this day for Worship tomorrow. We ask for forgiveness for the things we have forgotten or for the things we have left unsaid.  Forgive us Lord!   Be with the Vacation Bible School leaders as they lead VBS in Knox – Zion Carberry and Knox Neepawa and Knox Winnipegosis  this week.   Be with those who led us in music tomorrow.    This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Each Saturday in August will be a time of reflection from the past week.

Meditate and reflect upon what are the most important insights you have learned this week in this Devotional.  Or,  asked another way,  what made you go “humm” this week in this Devotional?

What one insight will you take from this Devotional this week and share with your family or friends?

Prayer:    Come Holy Spirit.  Come down upon us this day so that we can carry out the work of God.  Come down upon us this day so that we can tell everyone of the love of Jesus Christ.  Come down upon us this day so that we can grow to holiness and go forth in peace.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.
Many blessings!

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