Yesterday Old Son became the owner of a new to him Chevy Colorado truck. Now, while most people think an 18 year old paying for his own truck isn't something spectacular -- it is. Old Son had saved his monies from his Air Cadet Summer Training Courses from the last five years and from his Reservist Basic Military Qualification Course last summer and from his Reservist duties. Well done Old Son!
Today Old Son begins his job at the Museum. I am hoping he and the other Museum Intern, Reauna, don't become overwhelmed with the Collection they will be working on all summer. It is a huge Collection. First tasking will be to learn about the correct handling care of all artefacts, then putting their computer together and entering the CFAMS computer program. Many prayers indeed!
This is also the time of year when Presbyterian Ministry Students begin their Summer Student Ministries. One such Student will be showing up at our house today! Hurrah!
Last night was the 60 Swiftsure Sea Cadet Annual Ceremonial Parade. What an awesome group of youth. Wow! Was I ever impressed. It is a joy to see so many youth involved in such a great program that develops their leadership, citizenship, and decorum skills.
May your Tuesday be a time of rejoicing over each new thing you do!
Tuesday Retreat......
Prayer: Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, You rightly instruct us in how to live ever faithful to You. Your promise has been tested through and thought, and we, your servants, love You dearly. Your righteousness is eternally right and Your revelation is the only truth. The way You tell me to live is always right. Help us understand Your Word so that we can live to the fullest. This we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Read St. Matthew 15: 21 – 28
Jesus then journeys on to Tyre and Sidon . A Canaanite woman knows that Jesus is coming and journeys from her region to where Jesus is staying. For a Gentile woman to go see a Jewish man and ask for help is extremely humbling on the Canaanite woman’s part. She cries out to Jesus asking to heal her daughter, “Lord, Son of David”. Aha! This woman has just declared that she is a believer.
Here is a perfect example of what Jesus was talking about in the last verses. A Canaanite woman is a Gentile according to Jewish law, yet Jesus is willing to help heal her daughter.
Their interaction seems a bit odd though. When the woman asks Jesus for help her replies with “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs” What?
Dogs is a derogatory term for all the Gentiles. Bread is a term for the food that is used to nourish the tribes of Israel . What Jesus is saying is that it is not right for a Gentile to take the birth rite of the Israelites.
Quick as a wink, the Canaanite woman responds, “Yes Lord but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table!” Even the Gentiles eat the living word that falls from the table of the Israelites, God’s chosen people.
Jesus answers the woman, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted!” And her daughter was healed.
Prayer: Great God, save us so we can carry out all Your instructions. In Your love, You listen to us. In Your justice, You keep us alive. Daily continue to renew our faith so that we can rejoice in Your love. This we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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