4 June 2012 1900 - 2030hrs at the Brandon Armoury. This Tea is a free tea that celebrates the Veterans of D-Day. The Sea Cadets will be helping serve, the Presbyterian Minister will be saying Grace (and we're borrowing all the Presbyterian Church's tea cups, creams - sugars, crafes), and possibly getting the 26 Fd Regt Pipe and Drum Band to play some tunes associated with D-Day.
Yesterday evening was the 71 Bty 2520 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps Sponsoring Committee meeting. Lots of paperwork, not much action.
God bless Husband and Old Son... today we are heading to Neepawa and Plumas for food, shopping, and just having a change of scenary. Hurrah for Husband and Old Son.
Yesterday, Archdeacon in the Dales blog was fantastic! Archdeacon wrote in her blog how to bring into our Church's vision, enthusiasm and mission and joy in doing the work of God. Frequently Ministers and Elders are in distress and don't know what to do about it. The Archdeacon gives lots of words of wisdom to help with our distress. Well done! This is an awesome blog and one that this Synod will be sharing with the Ministers and Elders.
Thursday Retreat......
Prayer: Your Words, Great God, throw a beam of light on our dark paths. It is only through Your Words that we can see where we are going. We have committed ourselves to You and we will never turn back from living within Your love and Your teachings. When everything falls apart on us O LORD, put us back together again and fill us up with Your Holy Word. This we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Read St. Matthew 14: 22 – 36
Once the people are fed and have heard the teachings of Jesus, Jesus and the disciples get into a boat. Jesus hikes up a mountain to be alone to pray and meditate in God’s love. Jesus stays in the mountain all alone until late in the night.
The disciples are left in the boat. A wind comes up and they are battered by the waves. Then during the fourth watch of the night (Roman division of the night into four watches. The fourth watch was between 3am and 6am), Jesus walks across the waters. The disciples are scared out of their wits and cry, “A ghost!”. Jesus has been in the presence of God and his face or body may still have been glowing from this presence.
Jesus comforts them.
Peter says, “Master, if it is really you, call me to come to you on the water.” Peter wanted physical proof that this really was Jesus.
So Jesus calls Peter. Peter jumps out of the boat, walks on the water to Jesus but then looks down at the crashing waves and starts to sink. Peter cries out, “Master, save me!”
Jesus does not hesitate and grabs Peter’s hand.
The two of them climb back into the boat and everyone is amazed. A miracle! They say, “This is it! You are God’s Son for sure!” A confession! In our Churches today we make this same confession during times of Confirmation, Baptism, and each time we celebrate the Lord’s Supper.
Peter learned that in his distress, he can freely call out to Jesus. We too should take his example of calling out to Jesus when we are distressed.
Prayer: Sustaining God, You are our place of quiet retreat. We wait for Your Word to renew us. Amen.
Many blessings!
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