Friday, 4 May 2012

May the Fourth Be with You

Happy May 4th.  For those of us who are Star Wars fans,  May 4th has become known as
"May the Fourth be With You".

                Left to Right:  Tangerine,  Lime,  Aqua,  Turquoise,  Citrine,  Gold

Last week I was reading in the Modern Quilt Guild blog of their Modern Quilt Guild  "QuiltCon" in October... in Austin Texas.     
 The Modern Quilt Guild is seeking people to make 12 1/2" blocks for their QuiltCon.   Extra blocks will be donated to the Austin Children's Hospital Quilts.  Wow!  How neat!   I love that idea!  Especially the part about giving blocks away to make into a quilt for a child.  Reading up on the requirements for the blocks,  the Modern Quilt Guild wants blocks made from these colours in either solids or tone on tone:   Tangerine,  Lime,  Aqua,  Turquoise,  Citrine,  Gold,  White, and Grey.   One also can not hand piece (yahoo)  nor embroider (yahoo),  nor add embellishments (yahoo), nor add applique.  What could be better than this!  Cutting and Sewing and pressing and enjoying.  

Yesterday I needed a break from frustrating computer programs (oh yes,  another one bit the dust.... rats... where is my Nerd Power when I need it!) so hopped a bus to the fabric store in town.   Well,  the store didn't have Tangerine nor  Citrine (who knew that Citrine was yellowy green or yellowy brown!)   so these two fabrics would have to do.   And the Gold fabric is close but not really close and really truly looks more brown than gold... but when there is only one fabric store in town,  it will have to do.  I am hoping to sew these fabrics with a white fabric background into 6" New York Beauty blocks.   Even if I don't get this block done for QuiltCon,  just getting out and choosing fabrics was amazing!
And best yet is my GodMother gave me a Gift Certificate for Christmas to this Fabric store so all I ended up having to pay was $3.60.  Which is even cheaper than the bus fair!  Hurrah.

Please keep Old Son in your prayers.  He is ill with the flu.  High fever and sore throat. 
Please keep Husband Mine in your prayers for travelling mercies and opening the hearts of the people to God's  Words through the preachin' and workshops he will be leading.

May God be with you!

Friday Retreat.....
Prayer:  Holy God,  open our eyes that  we may see the wonderful things You have done.   Our souls are consumed with longing for Your love at all times.  Today provide for us an opportunity to share Your love with everyone.  This we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Read St. Matthew  13: 47 – 52

Just in case the disciples (and us)  don’t understand what the Kingdom of Heaven is like,  Jesus provides them with one more Kingdom of Heaven parable.   The Kingdom of Heaven is like a net that has let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish.     When the net is full,  the fisherman drag it on shore and go through tossing good fish into a tub and bad fish are thrown away.    Jesus continues on to tell the disciples (and us)  that this will be exactly what will happen on the end of days.   Angels will separate the wicked people from the righteous people.   

This net that Jesus describes is a called a seine.   It hangs vertically in the water with weights on the bottom and floats on the top of the net to keep it  above water.  The net could be used by two fisherman standing in the waters or  attached to a  boat or to two boats in order to maximumize one’s catch of fish.  And a similar type of seine fishing is still used by the BC fisherman today.    

Yet,  even though the net catches both the good and the bad,  only the good are kept.   Meditation today   on how  angels will know who is righteous and who is wicked on the end of days.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus Christ,  let us understand the teachings of Your Word that we will meditate on Your Wonders.   Our souls is strengthened according to Your Word.  Keep us from being deceitful and be gracious to us in all that we do and say.  This we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Many blessings

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