Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Compassionate Wednesday

Yesterday our former Commanding Officer,  LCol Thompson of 26 Fd Regt RCA and 38 Brigade died.  This is a time of saddness for all of us but yet it is also a time of joy.... LCol Thompson is now in heaven,  free from the pain of cancer,  and rejoicing over no longer having to do any paperwork. Please keep his family in your prayers... both his biological family and the family of 26 Fd Regt RCA - 38 Brigade.      This is a time of celebration of the resurrection.

Wednesday Retreat.....
Prayer:  Great God,  we ask for forgiveness this day for those things we have left unsaid.  We ask for forgiveness this day for those things we have left undone.  We ask for forgiveness this day knowing that You have already forgiven us and we are saved in Your love.  Amen.

Read St Matthew 24: 29 – 35

Jesus then gives the disciples another Sign of the End of the Age.    The moon will not give light,  the sun will darken,  the stars will fall from the sky (quoting from Isaiah 13: 9 - 10 and Isaiah 34:4).   The Son of Man will return and this will be the Sign of the end of the Age.  

Good grief!   These signs are starting to be a real downer. This chapter seems to be nothing but bad news.    What  Jesus is doing is  was preparing and teaching  the Disciples (and us today too) that being a Christian is not easy.   Bad stuff will happen but if we remain true in the faith,  we will see Jesus. 

How do we prepare for Christ’s return?   Or do we?    Do we pray to God each day bringing our hopes and requests and asking forgives and expressing our thanksgiving to God?    Does our lifestyle say to our neighbours “there is something different about you”?
Jesus is telling the Disciples (and us today too) that our lifestyle,  our beliefs,  and the way we carry out our day to day life needs to always reflect the love of Christ.   

God of mercy and justice,  help us to carry out our day to day life reflecting the love of Christ.   This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Many blessings!

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