Friday, 6 July 2012

Icy Lemonade Friday

Yesterday Old Son and I sat at the bus stop waiting for our bus in the heat and humidity of summer.   Across the street is an ice cream shop.    We didn't have time to run across the street,  get an ice cream,  eat an ice cream before our bus arrived.   So we decided that Friday, we would leave work a tad early and stand in line with the Friday Ice Cream Crew.   But now there is a decision.....   to purchase a vanilla - chocolate twister ice cream or the lemonade Icy.   

Decisions.   In our lifetime we make a lot of decisions.   One of them is what do we do each day to share the Gospel of Jesus.   In today's  retreat,  we look at how do we stay true to our faith?   Through reading the Bible,  saying prayers,  asking God to use us to share the Gospel,  and asking for discernment to recognize people of God and people who are deceivers.

Friday Retreat......
Heavenly Father,  help us be true to the faith.  Help us in our lives so that they may be a reflection of Your light and glory.   May we be a blessing to those we meet this day.  Amen.

Read St. Matthew  24:  1 - 14

The Interpreter’s Bible  Abington Press,  1984  states that this section of the Gospel of Matthew is Jesus addressing the Disciples and telling them about the end of the age.

The Disciples are discussing the impressive Temple architecture.  Jesus turns to them and replies that the stones will end up in a pile of rubble.   The Disciples ask Jesus later when the temple would become a pile of rubble and when would Jesus come again?  Jesus replies for the Disciples to watch out that people do not deceive them by stating that they have come in Jesus’ name.  All the false people will say that they are the Christ,  the Messiah  and they will deceive a lot of people.   Wars will come and wars will go,  yet it is not the end time.  Do not panic.  

Deceitful preachers will come forward and claim that they know when the end time will occur.   But they are deceitful and false.  Many people will follow them and be deceived.

Above all,  Jesus says,  stay true to your faith.  During this time the Good News will be preached all over the world. 

How do you stay true to your faith each and every day?

Merciful God,  grant us Your peace.  Merciful God,  grant us Your love.  Merciful God,  grant us Your joy in believing and sharing the Good News.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

 Many blessings!

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