Monday, 23 July 2012

Monday - time of Retreat

This weekend was a time of retreating.  Old Son works Tuesday to Friday and then has Saturday to Monday as his days off.   He really knows how to balance life.  When he works,  he works hard.  And when he has his days off he knows how to rest and retreat. 
While I was madly scrambling this weekend to get paperwork completed for the Synod and Museum all the while getting frustrated as my arthritis was displaying it's presence,  I marvelled that Old Son was resting and retreating.    To life a balanced life is a gift that we not only give to ourselves but give to God. 
So too in the Church do we need to balance our paperwork with our Worship and especially the Sacraments!  
Take time today to retreat in God's goodness!  Whether you have the day off or not :) 

Monday Retreat.....
Prayer:  Great God,  prepare our hearts for Your Word this day.   Remind us that You love us more than we can fathom.  Remind us that Jesus loves us when we continue Your work in this world.  Amen.
Read St. Matthew 26: 17 – 30

The Disciples ask Jesus what he wanted them to do to prepare for the Passover.  Jesus replies that the Disciples are to go into the city to a certain man and state to him that they will be celebrating the Passover together. 

As the Disciples and Jesus are reclining at the dinner table,  Jesus says, “One of you will betray me.”  Judas pipes up and says, “Surely not I, Rabbi?”  Jesus replies, “Yes it is you.”           Judas must have suddenly realized what he had done.  Yikes.

Then Jesus celebrates what we now call The Lord’s Supper.  This is a supper of remembering the sacrifice Jesus made for us as well as being a supper of forgiveness.    And indeed Jesus had already forgiven Judas for his betrayal.   How much more will Jesus forgive us of any sins we commit.   And how much more does Jesus love us for continuing his work in this world. 

Prayer:   Great God,  we remember the sacrifice Jesus name for us.  We remember that through this sacrifice,  You have forgiven us and given us eternal life.  May we take the work of Jesus into the world this day.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Many blessings!

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