Prayer: Creator, we give You thanks for this day. For the moments that we will spend in Your love, we give You thanks. Send Your light and warmth into our lives today. Amen.
Read St. Luke 18: 15 – 17
People began bringing their children to Jesus to have Jesus bless their children. How neat is that! A blessing. But the parents got stopped by the disciples. Jesus said to the children, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” (NIV Zondervan 1983).
How often have we been like the disciples? We know that we should come before Jesus in prayer but we think we will do it later. And then later never comes. We say a few words of prayer and figure that that will do for the day. But we forget that we grow and are nourished each time we come before God in prayer.
Today, we will be praying a Body prayer -- A body prayer brings our whole body into God’s care.
Sit in a comfy chair. As your reflect on all your body parts from the crown of your head to the souls of your feet, after each body part say, “thank You God for creating me as one of Your children”.
Reflect and acknowledge your fore head, thank You God for creating me as one of Your children”.
your eyes, thank You God for creating me as one of Your children”.
your nose, thank You God for creating me as one of Your children.
your ears, thank You God for creating me as one of Your children
your mouth thank You God for creating me as one of Your children”.
your teeth, thank You God for creating me as one of Your children
your tongue, thank You God for creating me as one of Your children
your voice box, thank You God for Creating me as one of Your children
your heart, thank You God for Creating me as one of Your children
your lungs, thank You god for creating me as one of Your children
your stomach -- thank You God for creating me as one of Your children”.
and so on all the way down your body to the souls of your feet.
Spend a few moments in silent prayer…… acknowledge that God is with you today and within you today.
End Prayer: Holy God, thank You for creating me as one of Your children. May I live this day in Your love and praise. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
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