Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Wednesday - hanging too tightly onto the Church building

Prayer:  Our strength comes from You,  O God,  who made heaven and earth and the mountains and the seas.  Creator,  You  will not let us stumble.    Redeemer,  You will protect us by shielding us from harm.   Sustainer,  You  guard us all of our life…. when we leave and when we return.   Amen.

Read St. Luke 18: 18 – 30

The Story of the Rich Ruler.   Or the story of the Rich Man who rejects discipleship.   A ruler comes to Jesus and asks what he must do to inherit eternal life.   Jesus responds with the commandments.   The ruler says that he has kept the commandments since he was a boy.    Then Jesus says for the ruler to sell everything he has and give it to the poor,  then follow Jesus.

The Rich Ruler is sad as he will not sell everything that he has and he does not follow Jesus.   Which is harder to do?   For the Rich Ruler to sell all his possessions or to follow Jesus?    In this case,  both are too difficult for the Rich Ruler.  The Rich Ruler was hanging on too tightly to his possessions and cut himself off from following Jesus.  How sad.   

Those who were with the Rich Ruler and Jesus then reflect back to the original question….. how can we inherit eternal life.   The people then ask Jesus who then can be saved?   Jesus replies that with God all things are possible.  

Hanging too tightly onto possessions.    Are we today holding onto our Church buildings too tightly?    When our Church buildings begin to cost more money than the money we share in our missions,  should be a clue that we indeed are holding on too tightly to our possessions.     How will our Church follow Jesus this day?

Prayer:    May we follow You this day O LORD in love and mercy.   May we see You in everyone we meet this day.  May we share Your love with those we talk to this day and those who watch us from afar.   Guide our thoughts and our actions so that they reflect Your love and mercy.   Amen.

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