Prayer: Heavenly Father, You have gtiven us an example of the power of Christ to know the intention of humand hearts, and the motivations behind actions... help us to be aware of our own thoughts and the motivations. Be with us today O Lord that we may know oursevles better and to serve You as never before. Amen.
Read St Luke 20: 9 - 19
Jesus tells the parable of the wicked tenants in response to the Religious leaders asking him by whose authority Jesus heals and teaches.
Here Jesus is saying that the religious leaders are the wicked tenants. The servants that the Master sends are the prophets that the religious leaders have disregarded. The prophets were sent by God to the religious leaders to they would return to God. But alas, the religious leaders did not return to God. Then the Master sends his Son to the religious leaders... and they kill him too.
Jesus looks directly at the religious leaders and say, "The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone. Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed" (St Luke 19: 18 NIV Zondervan, 1983).
The religious leaders want to arrest Jesus immediately but they do not because they fear the crowd. jesus is poking the religious leaders and making them not only responsibile for what they believe but also making them look inward at what they believe. And the religious leaders are not happy with having to look inward at what they believe.
While we tsk, tsk away at the religious leaders of Jesus' day, are we any different? Are we like the religious leaders of Jesus' day with hard heartedness in our beliefs? Do we lack responsibility when our beliefs are questioned? Something to think about today.
Prayer: When we face opposition, fear, and the uncertain reactions of our critics Lord, keep us firm in our desire to serve only You! Help us not to feel rejected but to know that whatever else happnes, You do not reject us Jesus, as we seek to work in Your name to bring understanding and healing to all peoples. Amen.
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