Friday, 26 July 2013

Friday - meditative prayer --

You will need a Bible, comfy chair, paper and pen/pencil


Before we being today’s  reading,  settle yourself in a comfy chair.  Once you are settled take a slow breath inward.  As your breath inward,  think of this breathe as the love of Jesus.  When you breath out,  think of this breathe as the love of Jesus being shared with everyone.

Breath in the love of Jesus.

Breath out the love of Jesus being shared with everyone

Breath in the love of Jesus

Breath out the love of Jesus being shared with everyone


Prayer:  Here I am Lord Jesus Christ.  I am here in Your presence.  You have brought me to this moment.  Speak Lord for I am listening to You.


Picture Jesus sitting beside you and read St. Luke 22: 47 – 53.  This is not any easy portion of scripture to read.  Jesus is arrested.

Breath in the love of Jesus

Breath out the love of Jesus being shared with everyone

Breath in the love of Jesus

Breath out the love of Jesus being shared with everyone.


Meditate upon St Luke 22: 47 – 53 with these questions…

       I   see or contemplate each person in those events,  especially Jesus himself as he is   

       Arrested….  The disciples as they try to help Jesus using violence…the Chief Priests, officers of the temple guard,  and the elders who have come for Jesus…

      I listen to the words, spoken or implied.  I ask myself what they might mean.  Do they apply to me?  Would I,  like Judas,  betray Jesus?

     I ponder the actions, gestures and emotions of Jesus

     What touched my heart about this scripture?  What did I find difficult?


In prayer,  thank Jesus for the trial and tribulation He went through to set you free.  Be aware of the love Jesus has for you.


Breath in the love of Jesus

Breath out the love of Jesus being shared with everyone

Breath in the love of Jesus

Breath out the love of Jesus being shared with everyone


Closing Prayer:  Thank You Lord for the time spent in meditation and prayer.  May I come to see You more clearly.  May I come to love You more dearly.  May I come to do Your work You have set for me to do.  Amen.

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