Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Wednesday - prayers

Prayer:  Holy God,  open our ears to hearing Your will this day.  Holy God, open our eyes to seeing Your will this day.  Holy God,  open our hearts to revealing Your will this day.  Amen.


Read St. Luke 22: 31 – 38


Jesus tells Simon that Simon will deny Jesus three times.  Simon is astonished.  Of course he would not deny Jesus.  But we know the rest of this story.  We know that Simon does deny Jesus.  Simon was tuck between life and death.  Does he tell people that he knew Jesus and risk death as well.  Or does he say that he does not know this Jesus fellow.


Jesus says that he has kept Simon in his prayers…. “Simon,  I”ve prayed for you in particular that you not give in or give out.  When you have come through the time of testing,  turn to your companions and give them a fresh start”  (St Luke 22: 31 – 32.  The Message.  NavPress 2005).


When people are in a difficult patch of life or in ill-health,  we frequently say, “We’ll keep you in our prayers”.  But do you remember to pray?  Keeping people in your prayers is a big responsibility.  It is easy to say we’ll pray for people but it is a mature Christian who will carry the request through and actually pray for people.


Reading prayers on Prayer websites,  I am always horrified at the number of people that are asking for healing from disease,  or wanting a new car,  or wanting money for rent.  Are these prayers?  Not really.  There are more “gimme, gimme” statements.  A true prayer of petition (or prayer request)  puts the person and the request before God and then closes with the statement “But not our will but Your will be done”.


Prayer:  Almighty God,  we bring before You today the Vacation Bible School team in the Synod of Manitoba and North Western Ontario as they prepare for these next weeks of leading VBS in Churches and communities.  Be with them in their study of Your Word.  Be with them as they share Your Word with the participants and families.  Open the hearts of the congregations sponsoring the VBS that they may delight in serving the VBS programs.  But in everything we have lifted up to You in prayer this day O Lord,  may Your will be done.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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