Blessed are You, Lord God of the Universe, who has brought us to this
place and this time. Blessed are
You, Lord God of the Universe, that we live each day in Your joy and Your
love. Amen.
Read St.
Luke 22: 10 – 13
Preparation. These next few weeks we are reading from
Scriptures that are read during our Lent and Easter season. These portions of Scripture are a tough to
read because we know the end of the story – Jesus’ crucifixion. But we also know the rest of the story –
Jesus’ resurrection.
Preparation. Jesus then goes on to explain to Peter and
John how to prepare for the Passover.
Peter and John are to go into the city and find a man carrying a jar of
water. This is a bit odd. A man carrying a jar of water. Usually gathering water was a task for women
and young boys. A man carrying a jar of
water would have stood out in a crowd.
We never learn the name of the man carrying the jar of water nor do we
ever learn whose house Jesus and the disciples used for their Passover meal. Yet,
what a great sense of hospitality this family had!
Peter and John went and found the guest
room furnished. There would have been
carpet on the floor, low slung
sofas/couches/davenports where Jesus and the disciples would recline while eating
their Passover meal. Reclining on one’s left side during a meal was the eating
position of those who are freed. Only
freed people had the luxury of reclining at a meal. Yet for the Passover meal, all – slaves and freed – would gather at the
table. Peter and John might have also have
had to purchase and slaughter and roast the Passover lamb. Unleaven bread would have been made as well
as bitter herbs and wine would have been found.
The Passover meal remembers Moses and the
Hebrews exit from Egypt –
the meal remembers that the Angel of the Lord passed over the Hebrews houses in
Egypt but struck down the
sons of Egypt
– the meal remembers the freedom of the Hebrews. There are many prayers that are said and
foods that are symbolic of the journey.
Yet here today, how do we prepare
for the Lord’s Supper? How do we prepare ourselves for
worship? Do we just show up? Or do we take the time before hand to say
prayers or to mediate upon the Holy
Mystery of the Lord’s Supper?
Many years ago when our son was part of the
12 Squadron Air Cadets, one of the
instructors used to drill in to them a phrase that we should all write on our
hearts. Corporal Fitzgibbon said, “Prior
Planning Prevents Poor Performance”.
If we plan for our retirement, if
we plan for our holidays, if we plan for
our work, then why do we not prepare and
plan for the Lord’s Supper? Something to think about.
Blessed are You, Lord God of the
Universe. In love You have given us
Your Son so that we live with hearts full of love and wisdom. We thank You that You have chosen us for
service in Your kingdom. Blessed are
You, Lord God of the Universe, You have preserved us, sustained us , and nurtured us in Your love. Amen.
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