Monday, 9 September 2013

Monday - Go and Make Disciples

Prayer:    Lord of All,  may we tie our shoes tighter today and go and make disciples of all nations.   Support us in the work we do this day in Your name.   Provide us with Your wisdom and strength to carry our Your work.   In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

Read  St. Matthew 28: 16 – 20

This portion of scripture is refered to as the Great Commission.  Jesus telling the disciples and followers what they must do to continue the work of God.  They must Go and make disciples of all nations.  

Jesus continues to tell the disciples to baptize the new disciples in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit  AND teach them to obey everything Jesus had commanded them.  

This is a big responsibility….  Making disciples from all nations,  baptizing them,  and teaching them.     But the disciples undertook this adventure with enthusiasm and delight.   Today,  making disciples from all nations, baptizing them, and teaching them of the love of Jesus  is our  responsibility.    It is the responsibility of all Sessions to be able to teach those who are being baptized.  This means Elders need to know what Baptism and Christianity is all about.    Ministers of Word and Sacrament are there to help teach the Elders who then,  in turn,  teach all nations  who then,  in turn,  share the Good News of Jesus with their friends and family and neighbours.

Often,  we think that making disciples and teaching others is hard work.  Yet we need to look at the attitude of the early Christians.  They undertook this adventure with enthusiasm.   Sure some of the people that they taught did not follow their ways,  but at least they shared the love of God with them on their journey.

Today,  how will you Go and Make Disciples of all nations?

Prayer:   Lord of All,  send Your Holy Spirit upon us this day so that we live and love and work with Your great enthusiasm.   Through our studies of Your Word,  may we go and make disciples of all nations through the teaching of Your Most Holy Word.  This we ask in Jesus name.  Amen.

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