Prayer: Great
God, we come before You today with
thoughts tumbling around in our mind.
Help us to focus today on You.
Help us to focus our lives today in the stillness of Your Word. Help us to be at peace. This we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Read St
Matthew 18:15 – 20
What do you do if a brother sins against you? Do you stomp away in anger? Do you say “not my problem”? Do you harbour the hurt in your heart? Jesus teaches the disciples that if
someone sins against them, they need to
go and show that person his fault. Go and Show the person his fault…. just between the two
of you. If the person listens to
you, then all is forgiven. But if the person does not listen then Jesus says to take one or two others
along and try again. If the person
refuses to meet or listen this time then
tell it to the Session. And if the
person refuses to listen to the Session,
then the person shall be treated as a pagan or tax collector. Remember that tax collectors were considered the bottom feeders of the
Jewish community. Yet even the tax
collectors remained in the love of Jesus.
Go and Show the person his faults. This is something our Church (local and
Presbytery and National) does not do
today. During the time of the reformation, Jean Calvin insisted that all Presbytery
meetings must spend time in reconciliation – in going and showing the other
minister’s and elder’s their faults.
This not only brings about healing in Churches but also creates a
responsibility that says, “We care about you and your journey in Christ”.
Go and Show the person their faults must begin with
our Ministers and Elders. They are our
spiritual leaders. They are our example
of the love of God and sharing that love with the community. If Ministers and Elders sit in Presbytery and
Session Meetings and fume in anger over decisions made then what kind of an
example are they to the congregation?
Responsibility and Reconciliation are not easy
things to do but they are essential to living a whole and healthy life in God.
Lord of Life and Strength, You
heal us from all our faults. Set us
once again on the path to Your glory and righteousness. We come before You now asking for forgivness
of those things we have forgotten to do……
Lord hear our prayer. We come
before You now asking for forgiveness for those things we have decided in
anger…… Lord hear our prayer. We come before You now knowing that You
forgive us from all our faults and from all our sins. For this and the life we live, Hallelujah.
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