Prayer: Holy
God, You heal all our infirmaties and
our afflictions. May we lift up to You
today those things that are holding us back from Your peace……. Lord hear our prayer. May we lift up to You today those things
that are holding us back from sharing Your Word…… Lord hear our prayer. Lord,
we know that You hear our prayer and grant us Your love in
believing. Amen.
Read St Mark
5: 25 - 34
This is the story of the healing of the sick
woman. She had been bleeding for twelve
years and had gone to every doctor she
could find to bring about healing. But
nothing helped. Because she was
bleeding for so many years, she probably
would have been set apart from the community and labelled unclean. Yet she risks getting yelled at by the
people in the community to ask Jesus to heal her. She comes up behind Jesus, and not wanting to draw attention to herself
instead of asking Jesus to heal her, she
touches his cloak. Instantly she is
healed. Once Jesus figures out who
touched him, he says to the woman,
“Daughter, your faith has healed
you. Go in peace and be freed from your
suffering” (St Mark 5: 34 NIV
Zondervan, 1983).
in peace and be freed of your suffering.
Jesus has given this woman a new beginning in her
life. What a glorious time of
rejoicing! She must have been dancing
in the streets with joy!
So too does Jesus say to us, “Go in peace and be
freed of your suffering”. Listen to the news today and keep in prayer
those events where people are suffering.
Uplift these situations in Your prayers today. Listen to Your friends and family and keep
them in your prayers today so that they may find the peace of God. Listen to what is happening in your Church
this month and lift up in prayer all
worship, studies, ministries,
and community events. Remember
that our life in Christ is a glorious time of rejoicing!
Great God, use us today to bring
Your peace into this world. Use us this
day to help those who need to be freed of their sufferings to be free and find
Your peace. We know that You support and
strengthen us for Your work that needs to be completed in this world and that
we do not do this work alone. We ask
this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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