Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Blessed and Holy Christmas

Prayer:   This is the Day O LORD that the heavens open and Your people rejoice in love and praise.  This is the Day Almighty God  that the earth stops and listens to Your voice as it is heard in Your Church for all Your people.    This is the Day Loving God  that we remember the birth of Your Son,  our Lord and Saviour.   Glory to God in the Highest.  Peace on earth and good will to all.   Allelujah.

Read:  Luke 2: 1 - 20

This is the humble story of the birth of Jesus Christ.  A story that we read and hear every year during the Christmas Eve worship.    The prophets preached repentance and made warnings to the people to turn around their attitudes.  The prophets always said turn back to God.  In this story,  these prophecies are realized.  Through the birth of Jesus Christ and through the death of Jesus Christ, our sins have been forgiven.  Thanks be to God!

The acceptance of a teenage girl to say Yes to God.  The acceptance of a betrothed Joseph to marry his pregnant betrothed to say Yes to God.   The travelling to Bethlehem.  The acceptance of the shepherds to say Yes to the Angels  message to go into Bethlehem and see the Christ Child.     Bowing down in awe and worship.

This year as you hear the Christmas story,  remember how many people said Yes to God.  This Christmas,  how will you say Yes to God?   How will you bow down in awe and worship?

What one thing will you listen for this year during the reading of the Christmas story that you haven’t listen to before?

Prayer:   We bow down in worship this day.  For this day we know that in our hearts is born the love of God.    Jesus Christ our Lord,  born of the Virgin Mary,  announced by the Angels, worshipped by us all.  O come let us adore Him.    Emmanuel,  You have Come!  Blessed be Your name Forever!  Amen.

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