Saturday, 7 December 2013

Saturday - Advent 1

What preparations have you completed this week for Advent?    Today we will look at preparing our hearts for the coming of the Christ Child.   


Find a comfortable place to sit as you will be here a while.     Slowly read each phrase and then keep silent for a few minutes.  This opens our hearts to the presence and love of God.


God of all things new,  I thank You that You have created me to love and accept myself where I am right now.                                                

I thank You that I am wonderfully made by You.  

Each day my life is changing and I accept this change as I know that You are with me in whatever I do and whatever happens this day.

I thank You that I can look ahead freely in love and joy and peace because You have given me eternal life that is filled with Your glorious love.

I see the world and my family and my friends with loving eyes and share with them Your love.

Redeeming God,  I am Your instrument of creativity and inspiration for those who need Your presence this day.

Through Your love,  I forgive those who irritate me or have hurt me.   I release them from their irritation or hurt.     

I ask for Your forgiveness for those I have irritated or hurt unknowingly.   You surround me with Your love and give me to peace.

Prepare my heart this day O LORD  so that I seek only good in everything that I say and everything that I do. 

Sustaining God,  I am fulfilled with Your love and Your mercy.  

I move forward in Your great joy.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.  As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be,  world without end.    Amen.


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