Monday, 2 December 2013

Monday - Advent -- prophets

Prayer:   Almighty God,  may we live this day in Your love and Your care.  With each thing we do this day,  may we rejoice in knowing that You are with us. Turn our minds and our hearts to You.    You are our rock and our shield.  May we live in Your glory this day and always.  Amen.


Read   Isaiah 1   and  Isaiah 2: 1 – 5


In the Old Testament,  prophets were needed with each generation to remind the people to return to God.   Prophets also stood before Kings to let them know when they had displeased or turned away from God.


Why do we not have prophets today?   The short answer is through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ,  our sins have been forgiven.


Even though our sins have been forgiven,  we still need reminders of  keeping our hearts and minds and souls in tune with the Word of God.    Advent is a time for us to remember to keep our hearts in tune with God.  


In today’s  scripture reading,  the prophet Isaiah receives a vision.   And the vision is of a rebellious nation and a people loaded with guilt and corruption.    In general,  the community was a mess.   They had turned away from the love of God.     Isaiah 1  the people seem hopelessly lost in sin and bad behaviour and evil living.   Yet,  yet,  Isaiah the prophet is given another vision in chapter 2.  This is a vision of the mountain of the LORD --  the people return to God

and there is hope.


When we abide in God,  there is always hope in any situation.    Read through Isaiah 2: 1 – 5 again and write down any phrases that are hopeful:       



Why do these phrases seem hopeful to you?   Throughout today,  repeat these hopeful phrases to prepare your heart for the coming of the Christ Child.


Prayer:   Great God,  each day we come before You knowing that You always give us hope in our lives.  Teach us Your ways this day O Lord so that we may walk in Your path of goodness and righteousness.  Continue to prepare our hearts this Advent so that we walk in Your light and love this day.   Amen.

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