Prayer: Divine Healer, this day and always we come before You laying our sins before You so that You can heal us and remind us yet again of YOur forgiving power. Great God, be with those who lead us along the path You have set out for us. Open our hearts and minds to Your call this day ... in all that we say and all that we do. This we ask in Jesus' name. Amen.
Often when we talk about Paul’s missionary journeys, we think Paul was heading out all by himself. In fact, Paul usually travelled with his closest friends. Timothy is one such friend. As well, Paul frequently sent Timothy in to help with new Christian Communities that were having difficulties. So when we start reading 1 Timothy this coming week, read the passages knowing of the love and friendship between Paul to Timothy. Also read 1 Timothy as a mentoring Scripture. Paul is passing on his knowledge of the Christian faith to Timothy. Perhaps this could be called Paul’s Advice List? In this letter, Paul is sharing things that he wants Timothy to remember about the Christian faith after Paul is in Heaven.
This week our family went to visit the XII Manitoba Dragoons 2528 Army Cadets in Virden. We had a museum presentation on the Battle of Vimy Ridge. Each time I am in the presence of Cadets (aged 12 to 18 years), I am delighted with their leadership and enthusiasm and excellent questions. In fact, through their questions I often learn more about the subject we are presenting because their questions make us stop and think and ponder and then seek out the information. This is mentoring. Too often we think mentoring is from the old experienced person to a younger person. Not true at all. Good mentoring, true mentoring is the sharing of experiences, learning, questions, wisdom, and knowledge between generations.
How do we mentor in the Church? Christ calls us to share the Good News with those around us and while we do try to live our lives as Christ lead and as an example to everyone, there is one step more we must take. Mentoring. The sharing of the Good News and love of God with those younger and older than ourselves.
Spend today asking God who will come into your life journey to be mentored.
Prayer: Almighty and Everlasting God, who alone works great marvels.... send Your Holy Spirit down upon our Ministers and Elders and Lay leaders and all congregations committed to their charge. Provide for them the healthful Spirit of Your grace. Pour down upon them Your blessing. Grant this O LORD for the honour of our Lord Jesus Christ... our Advocate, our Mentor, our Mediator. Amen. (adapted from The Book of Common Prayer. United Kingdom, 1936).
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