Thursday, 13 February 2014

Thursday - tiding up

Prayer:  Open my eyes to Your word O LORD.  Open my mind to Your understanding.  Open my heart to do Your will this day.  Help me to be patient and stand firm in Your love this day O LORD.  Amen.

            Read James 5: 7-12

Be patient and stand firm.  God is coming.  Persevere and wait for God.  But while you are waiting,  don’t grumble about other people.  Stand fast.  Remember God and share this love of God with others.
Like all human organizations,  nothing runs perfectly.  We all make choices we firmly believe are the right choices.  But too often our choices are our own choices and not choices that are God ordained choices.  The Christian community that James is writing to is now at the stage in congregational living where choices have to be made.  Everyone is stating their choices are THE CHOICES.   Then the finger pointing begins,  the “I’m right and your wrong and if you don’t agree with me I’m leaving”.   James specifically states that we need to be humble.  Stand firm in your faith.  Know what you believe.  And as a Church,  our focus must be upon God and the spreading of the Good News rather than how  much money we need to save in the Bank Account.  Monies are for helping others. 

In James 5:  7-11 section,  James uses the greek word “parousia” …. Advent…. Coming.   God is coming soon.   Interestingly enough,  James knew this Christian community well. He uses a word of “coming” (parousia)  that the community was familiar.  The word parousia is association with an official visit of the Roman Emperor to a city.   This is a big event.  Get ready.  Tidy up,  make yourselves presentable,  help those around you tidy up as well. 
This day, how will we prepare our churches for the coming of Christ?  How will we "tidy up" and make our churches  presentable for this big event?

Prayer:  Divine Healer,  help me to understand what I read, and let it deepen my love for You. Create in my a humble heart O LORD,  and renew a right spirit within me.   In union with Your son, Jesus Christ, and Your people everywhere  may I add my praises in the glory of heaven.  In Christ’s name I pray.  Amen.

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