Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Wednesday - pondering upon mercy

Prayer:   Lord God of Heaven and Heavenly hosts,  have mercy upon me a sinner.  Lord Jesus Christ,  Son of God,  have mercy upon me a sinner.   Spirit of God,  have mercy upon me a sinner.     Lord God of All,  grant me peace in living... peace in believing.... and peace in our hearts until the day comes when we can be in Your presence.   Amen.
Yesterday,  we reflected upon Paul writing to Timothy to have mercy,  grace, and peace.     Mercy is not a word we use these days.    Reflection upon what  the word Mercy means to you.... then ponder upon these questions:

1.  What does the word “mercy” mean to me?
2.  Who has ever shown me mercy?
3.  How did Paul and Timothy show mercy to those in Ephesus?
4.  How does my Church show mercy to others?

Reading about Paul and Timothy’s ministry in Ephesus is a small understanding of those called to Ministry in Christ.  It isn’t an easy journey.  The road is often difficult as congregational members, like the Ephesians,  have differing opinions which creates bumps upon the journey to the point of tearing the Church apart.   Yet,  God calls people to minister to His Church.  For anyone thinking of  a call to Ministry,  Rev. Allan Jones wrote a fantastic book called “Sacrifice and Delight”.  Ministry to God’s people is truly a sacrifice and a delight.  His Grace, Bishop  William Willimon wrote another fantastic book on ministry entitled   "Pastor:  The Theology and Practice of Ordained Ministry".    Both books are awesome not only to seek out a possible call to ministry but also an unveiling of just what a minister does each day and each week.

Today, while pondering upon mercy,   think of three things you can do to help support the Ministry of those in your congregation.   Some ideas would be:
  • Send a      card of  appreciation to your      Minister.  
  • Provide      the Minister with a gift certificate to a coffee shop or grocery      store. 
  • Ask the      Minister (and family) to come over to your house for a meal.
Prayer:   Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God let Your mercy flow down upon me.  Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, let Your mercy spring up within me.  Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, let Your mercy enfold me.   Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,  let Your mercy flow through me this day.  Amen.    (Father Simeon Weare,  Society of the Common Life).

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