Friday, 16 March 2012

Friday - Lent 3

Happy Friday!  Yesterday was a plethora  (isn't that a neat word... plethora) of activities and retreats.

My Mom said that by helping her pick up her new humidifier and putting it together for her was my good deed for the day.  Hurrah.   :)     Isn't it interesting what people consider a good deed.  To me, helping my Mom is part of being a family.  

Husband is now in Winnipeg for the weekend.  Old Son got to University AND Band Practice last night which was a blessing.  

The Museum has four donations of medals and sweetheart pins.  Amazing how these items are metal yet have such a rich history and the stories that come out of the families who donate the medals is awe-inspiring!      Yesterday in trying to find an artefact that was close in size and era to put an appraisal price on the artefact,  I discovered the Canadian Archives War Diaries online.    Okay,  that was a two hour diversion.  But what a blessing to find these WW1 War Diaries.  It is so neat to read about the actions of a Battalion and actually be familiar with the Commanding Officers named who came back and lived in Brandon for the rest of their lives.  
What else is interesting is what the War Diaries state for the Battle of Vimy Ridge and what the Historians say about the Battle.   Sometimes the two differ greatly.    And we no longer have veterans to ask of the Battles.   The Veterans of all wars and skirmishes have touched our lives in ways we will never realize.   Thank You Veterans. 

Thank You O Lord,  that You have touched our lives.   Your touch is healing and reviving.  May we share Your gift of touch with those we meet this day.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Read:  St. Matthew 9: 18 – 26 

These verses of Scripture contain two healings from the gift of touch.   A local official  comes to Jesus and asks if Jesus could come and touch his daughter and she will live.   Jesus got up and went with him.

As Jesus was leaving to go to the local official’s house,  a woman who had been haemorrhaging for twelve years touched Jesus’ robe.   Jesus turned and said to the woman, “Courage, daughter.  You took a risk of faith and now you are well”. 
According to the Torah,  this woman would have been unclean for  twelve years (Leviticus 15: 25 – 27).     By touching Jesus’ robe,  she made him unclean too.  That is why Jesus said she took a risk of faith.

Then Jesus continues on to the local official’s  house.   Jesus says to the mourners and crowd that had gathered, “Clear out.  This girl isn’t dead. She is sleeping”.   The mourners and crown tell Jesus that he doesn’t know what he is talking about.   Jesus got rid of the crowd,  went into the house,  took the girl’s  hand and pulled her to her feet.   She was healed!

Touching is actually very cultural.  What one touch in one culture would be considered normal,  other cultures would consider an insult.  Yet here Jesus is touching people to heal.      When Ministers are Ordained or when Elders are Ordained,  they are ordained and blessed  through the “laying on of hands”.    Usually the laying on of hands is upon the Minister’s  head.   This is a visual sign that the Minister is Ordained to fulfil the work of God and to be a blessing.
The “laying on of hands”  comes up out of the Old Testament (Exodus 29:1-10).  Those who had the laying on of hands were set apart for the work of God.

Today when you touch anyone or anything,  remember that your touch is a blessing to others.    

Lord,  we know Your strength and Your kindness. Lord have mercy upon us.  With one heart and one voice,  we pray to the Lord God Almighty.  Lord have mercy.   May we remember this day Your touch is a blessing to ourselves and to others and may You grant us peace.    Amen.

Many blessings

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