Sunday, 4 March 2012

Sunday - Lent 2

The beginning of the second week in Lent.   A fantastic sermon today by Rev Jim Patterson.   Jim preached on Abraham and Sarah being told by God that they would have a son... as they were 90 and 80 years old.  That was a change.   Pampers and Colic at 80 plus years old.    And the change of  Jesus telling the disciples what it means to be a follower of Christ.  Jim then gave several examples of how people in the news today are taking up the cross and following Jesus.   Then he asked us how we were going to change this Lent... how were we going to pick up the cross and follow Jesus.   Awesome sermon.  Now to push up the sleeves and ask God how this week,  I can pick up the cross and follow Jesus.  
And,  hallelujah... I only had to re-start one hymn... due to finger fumbling. Brain knew there was no G# but fingers had other ideas.   Other than that,  the hymns went off fairly smoothly.    Fairly.  But you know,  practicing daily and then leaving the result with God is amazing.

Devotion   from Presbyterian World Service and Development:  Lent 2

Leader: God’s covenant continued through Abram and Sarai. God promised that things would change.

People: Even Abram and Sarai’s names changed as a sign of God’s constant presence with them.

Leader: The promise that God made is our promise too: when we journey with God, God will make us fruitful and the people of faith will increase.

People: May we embrace the changes that leave power, might and pride behind.


Leader: May the God of the covenant love us so much that we cannot stay the same.

People: May Christ, who called people to give up everything and follow him, also compel us to follow him.

Leader: May the Holy Spirit of comfort assure us that in every change, God is faithful.

People: May we hear the call of the God of covenant and change.

Liturgical Suggestion:
Sing verse 2 of hymn #202, “We lay our broken world.”

Composed by The Rev. Dr. Emily K. Bisset
Produced by Presbyterian World Service & Development
The development and relief agency of The Presbyterian Church in Canada
50 Wynford Drive, Toronto ON M3C 1J7

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