Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Wednesday Lent 2

Wow,  yesterday was a very full day.  At 0630hrs,  we received a phone call from the Armoury.... Old Son had to report.  So by 0700hrs,  he was awake,  dressed, and standing at the Armoury for duty.  Seeing as I was going to the Armoury as well,  I tagged along.  Imagine our surprise when Old Son was the only non-commissioned person there!
Old Son stayed and helped out at the Museum all day.  It was excellent to have him help and a lot of projects got completed!  Many prayers for him as I think he over extended himself with work.  
Then last night three of us from the Museum went to XII MB Dragoons 2528 Virden Army Cadets to share our Vimy Powerpoint Presentation.  This Cadet Corps is fantastic!  Polite Cadets,  amazing attitudes.  It is always a pleasure to go and share our history with this Corps. 
Today is another Vimy Presentation with the Youth Group at First Church Brandon. 
Going to different groups and sharing our Museum's  Vimy presentation is interesting in how each group welcomes us.  Welcoming speakers is all about hospitality.  This Lent,  remember your hospitality!

O God,  You have brought us out of the shadow of night into the brightness of Your morning.  By Your Holy Spirit, dispel the darkness of sin and doubt.  In Your goodness,  pour such light into our hearts, that they may be Yours without fear of separation, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen   (Taize  “Praise in all Our Days”  Mowbray 1981 pg 182)

Read:  St. Matthew 8: 14 – 17
The healing of Peter’s  Mother-in-law is fascinating.  In two short verses St. Matthew informs his readers that Peter’s Mother-in-law was filled with a fever.  Jesus touched her hand, the fever left her,  then she got up and began to wait on him.     In our culture, the whole idea of a woman being healed and then immediately fixing a meal for Jesus and the disciples seems sexist.     But in the culture of Jesus’ day,  to fix a meal was a basic part of hospitality.  To not provide hospitality (a meal) to friends and family was an insult.    

Jesus did not heal Peter’s  Mother-in-law and then say that was it for the day.   Jesus continued to have compassion and  healed those who came to him in need during the evening.    Thus fulfilling the Prophet Isaiah who said, “He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases”  (Isaiah 53:4)

How can we have compassion on those we meet today?

Great God,  You know everything and nothing escapes from You.    Be our rock and our fortress O Lord.  It was Your will to call us, instructing us to have compassion upon others.  We offer You our praise and thanks that You call us to have compassion upon others.  This we ask in Your Son’s name.  Amen

Many blessings

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