Saturday, 3 March 2012

Saturday - Lent 1

Aaaah,  Prearatory Saturday.   And this day will be more than preparing for the Sabbath in just prayer.... I am playing the piano at St. Andrew's  tomorrow so there will be a lot of piano playing in this household today.   But our next wall neighbours don't get up on a Saturday until after 1pm and we like to have happy neighbours so I won't start practicing until after 1pm.     Thank goodness I've been practicing all week :)  And praying like mad that these old arthritic fingers can play praises to God!

Boy,  practicing for worship takes me all the way back to Coquitlam Presbyerian Church when I was 12 years old and the Sunday School Superintendant asked me to play for the Sunday School.  That alone was cool!  What an awesome Superintendant to recognize the importance of involving all ages in the Church.  Then to be asked to play for Sunday services when the Organist was away was even  super cooler.  Reflecting back upon Coquitlam Presbyterian Church,  I am so greatful that they did ask a 12 year old to be involved with the learnin' and prayin' of the Church.   Good on them!!!

  Today,  reflect upon who is asked in your congregation to be involved with leading Worship.   Does your congregation use the "old faithfuls" and not involve others?  Time to pray and seek change!  After all,  Lent is a time to seek changes in our lives so that the love of God will shine through clearer.

LORD,  we pray You to continually inspire Your Church universal with the Spirit of truth, unity,  and peace.   Give Your grace to all Ministers, Elders, and Lay Preachers that by their life and their faith they may show forth Your Word of Truth and celebrate You this day in love and in joy.       Please remember this day  Knox Winnipegosis and St. Andrew’s  Geraldton as they seek out Summer Student Ministers.     Give Your grace to all Your people as we  meet together in Your presence.  May we hear and receive Your Word with purity of heart and true obedience, to serve You all the days of our life.  Amen.

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