Friday, 12 October 2012

Friday - Hearing the Voice of God

Prayer:  Creator God,  to whom all hearts are open and all desires are knows.  From whom no secrets are hid,  cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit that we may perfectly love You and worthily magnify Your Holy Name.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.  (FMP 1964)

Stephen Cherry,  in his book Beyond Busyness,  says that there are two critical principles for HUGE projects.   First,  we will only get a big project done if we plan it into our day before we put in the little things (like watching TV or Facebook).   Second,  if a project is OVERLY HUGE,  then it will need to be broken up into smaller chunks.    Completing smaller chunks of a project means the OVERLY HUGE project suddenly isn’t as big anymore.
But the beginning of any HUGE or even OVERLY HUGE project is to start with an adequate amount of time and prayer… with prayer being first J.

How often do you hear of people staying up to all hours of the night writing Sunday’s  Sermon or getting the Powerpoint Presentation completed for tomorrow’s  Conference or in November trying to knit the family all scarves for Christmas?
Too frequently. 

Time wisdom says to take small steps with lots of time before the deadline and the project will become smaller and manageable.     This allows the Holy Spirit time to give us advice and counsel.    If we are too busy trying to get everything completed,  we frequently do not listen to the voice of God. 

What is the biggest single task you have ever had to face?  How did you work through the task?    Did you call upon God for help?  Was the task completed or did it overwhelm you?

Read  Matthew 7: 24 – 25

Today,  how will you hear the Word of God?     And how will you put the Word of God into practice?
And God waits everyday for us to seek out God.   How neat is that.

Prayer:  Open our ears this day to Your Word,  O Lord.  Open our hearts to Your calling.  Open our minds to Your love so that we may seek You out each and every day.   Make us ready for what You provide for us.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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