Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Wednesday - Mary's Song

Prayer:   We thank You Lord for all the wonderful experiences we have had in our lives.  Help us to recognize Your hand in our lives so that we can truly say, “we are blessed”.  Our soul praises You,  Lord God of Hosts,  from this day forth and forever more.  Amen.

Read St. Luke 1: 46 – 56

The writer Luke calls these next ten verses Mary’s Song.   Upon arriving at Elizabeth’s house and hearing Elizabeth bless her,  Mary bursts forth into song and prayer. 

The ancient Church began to call Mary’s  Song,  “the Magnificat”.  Magnificat is a Latin word meaning “praise”…. really really big praise.    The Gospel According to Luke is the only place to have “the Magnificat”,  which means Luke must have had a direct link  to Mary the Mother of Jesus… or at least to her family.  

Go find a couple of different translations of the Bible and read this Magnificat.  What is similar about the song and what is different?  As you read the Magnificat,  remember that Mary was an early teenager.  What joyous words to come from one so young.

Remembering that Hymns are prayers put to music,  it is interesting that a lot of composers have put the words of the Magnificat to music.    Even Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote a score of the Magnificat.      In our current Presbyterian Hymnbook,  the Magnificat is Hymn 123  “My Soul Gives Glory to My God”.  On Sunday,  read through this hymn.  

What song would you burst into praise if God called you to a special task?
May we live every day knowing that we are in the  presence of God.

Prayer:  Our souls praise You,  O Lord,  and our spirits rejoice that You are God our Saviour.  You have done mighty things for all generations and Your name is Holy.  Your mercy extends to those who love You with whole hearts and minds and souls.  Blessed are we in Your presence.  This we pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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