Sunday, 28 October 2012

Sunday - a rest and sheltering tree

Prayer:  Great God,  You did say to Your people, “Come into a desert place and rest awhile.”  Great God,  we ask that You provide a rest and a sheltering tree for the Missions that provide  this same rest and shelter for people from the storms of life.  We ask that You continue to uphold in the palm of Your hand the work and mission of Winnipeg Inner City Mission,  Kenora Fellowship Centre,  and those Churches that provide food for the hungry and clothing for the needy.  Grant that Your love may be found by all those who cry out to You.  Sustain those who work and labour so that all may be clothed, and fed, and sheltered and the Ministry may not become overwhelming.   Inspire us all to reach out our hands and give aid to Your People.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.