Thursday, 11 October 2012

Thursday - delegate

Earlier this week,  Mr.  Colin Wasacase received the Ontario Lieutenant Governors Award for his dedication and work serving the community of Kenora.  Wow!  An amazing honour for an amazing man.    Congratulations Colin!

Prayer:  Lord,  be with us as we go about our work this today.  Help us to be faithful in our duties,  and honourable in all our dealings.  Give us self-control in speech and temper.  Let us be a good example to others of Christian humility and thoughtfulness.  May I glorify You forever.  Amen.

How do we take a moment of opportunity (that Kairos time) when we  have projects that are HUGE.   Like moving.   Like finding new employment or call.    Like being a caregiver to a child or parent.    
How do you continue to prepare your heart for God when there is a HUGE project placed in your lap and all you can see is the HUGE project?

Read  Exodus  18

Jethro was an amazingly wise man.   He watched how Moses lead his people and finally said, “If you continue counselling the people all by yourself, you burn out yourself AND the people.  Listen to me and I will give you some advice, and may God be with you.”  
Jethro instructed Moses to select wise men who fear God and appoint them as officials over the tribes.    This is where our understanding of Elders is based.  Those who are wise and seek God’s guidance and help in caring the ministry to all God’s people. 

We are never alone.  Today look at all the projects you have that are HUGE… and ask God for guidance.

When we become overwhelmed with HUGE projects,  we forget about praying to God and reading scripture.   We must never forget to pray and read the Scripture for this is our lifeline to God.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus Christ,  Son of God,  let our tasks be eased by the knowledge of Your presence and by Your loving care.  Give us the desire to do all things for the love of You.  Grant us strength to meet without complaint the trials of the day and with thankful hearts  at the end of the day,  we come to You  in glory and praise.  For all Your mercies O Lord,  we give thanks.  Amen.   (adapted from FMP 1964).

Many blessings.

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