Sunday, 31 March 2013

Easter Sunday - Christ has Risen!

Prayer:  Majestic God,  out of the darkness of Good Friday comes the Light of Christ bringing the gift of new life.  Alleluia!  Christ is Risen!  Alleluia!  Christ is Risen from the Dead!  Alleluia!  Christ has triumphed over death.   Alleluia!  Christ is Risen Indeed!  Hallelujah!

Read St. John 20: 1 – 23

As you read this portion of scripture,  pause after each sentence.  Read this Gospel passage slowly!

Jean Vanier in his book “Drawn into the Mystery of Jesus”  Novalis,  2001 says that Jesus “the one who was rejected, who was put to death, has risen up in love.  And the disciples rise up from despair to hope.  Not to reveal power but to reveal the compassionate and liberating love of God”  pg 333

Easter is the Glorious Resurrection.   We celebrate this day with great joy and great love knowing that our Saviour is alive.  Alleluia!

Prayer:  Creator God,  out of the silence Creation comes again. We have seen the Risen Lord!  You call and from the chaos comes Your Son—the Risen Lord – the Resurrection.  The Son appears bringing the gifts of Bread and Wine so that we remember we are made whole in You.  The Risen Lord’s broken body is made whole and victory over death is won.  Alleluia!  

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Holy Saturday

Prayer:   Living God,  we wait today for Your Risen Son.   We wait today with eyes seeking Your eyes.  With hearts seeking Your heart.  With hands seeking Your hands.  With Life seeking renewed Life in the Risen Lord.    We will follow You today through this time of waiting and praying.  Amen.

Read   St. John 19:  38 – 42

Joseph of Arimathea asks Pilate for the body of Jesus  so that Jesus can be buried.  Helping Joseph of Arimathea is Nicodemus.  Together the two of them place spices on Jesus’ body and wrap the body in linens.   Then Jesus is laid in the tomb.

The day of Holy Saturday is a day of waiting.  We wait,  knowing the end of the story and the celebration of the Resurrection tomorrow.   But for today,  we wait.

Waiting is difficult.   Time goes by so slowly.  But while we wait,  we pray.

Prayer:  Great God,  we uplift today those who are in pain because of wars and strife.  Lord,  bring to them Your peace and Your justice…..
Great God,  we lift up to You today  those who are in pain because they have lost their family,  or their family is lost to them.  Lord,  surround them with Your love….
Great God,  we lift up to You today  those who wait for news of disease.  Lord,  bring comfort into their hearts…..
Great God,  we lift up to You today those who care for others.  Lord,  sustain their ministry….
Great God,  we lift up to You today all parents as they raise their children.  Lord,  provide a light to lighten the path to You….
Great God,  we lift up to You today our family…..   Lord,  bring Your love into all the corners of their hearts.
Great God,  we lift up to You today our Church…. Lord,  give to those who lead and to those who support Your enthusiasm and Your imagination.
Great God,  we love You with our whole hearts.  We thank You for the gift of Your son. 
Our hope is in You,  our refuge is in Your Son,  and our protection is in the Holy Spirit.    Amen.

Friday, 29 March 2013

Good Friday

Prayer:    Great God,  this is the day You gave us Your Son. We bow down in awe.  You gave us Your Son so we could have eternal life and live with You always.  We bow down in wonder.     Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,  have mercy upon us and grant us Your peace.   Amen.

Read St. John 18   to St.  John 19: 1 - 37

How can today be a  good day when we know that Jesus died on the cross?   Today is called Good Friday because we know the rest of the story….Jesus died for our sins so that we could inherit eternal life. 

Worship attendance on Good Friday is usually very small for who wants to hear about the death of Jesus?  But worshipping together on Good Friday is truly important to remind us year in and year out that the love of God never diminishes… that the love of God is as strong for us today as at our birth.     

Prayer:  Almighty God,  we have sinned in thought and word and deed.  We have not loved You with our whole heart.  We have not loved our neighbours as ourselves.  We pray to You asking for  Your mercy.  Forgive us all that is past,  and grant that we may serve You in the newness of life.  To the glory of Your Holy  name.  Amen. 

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Maundy Thursday

Prayer:  O God,  Your Son Jesus Christ our Lord has left to us the meal of bread and wine in which we share His body and his blood.  May we remember the love of Jesus.  Remind us that His great love is  with us  every day and at every moment.  May we take this love that Christ gives to us freely and go forth remember to love others always.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord,  who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

The word “Maundy”  means commandment.   Jesus gave the disciples the commandment to love others as He loved his disciples.    And so we too go forth,  remembering always to love others.

Read  St. John 13: 1-17 

This is the day that Christ the Lamb of God gave himself into the hands of those who would slay Him.  
This is the day that Christ gathered with His disciples in the upper room.
This is the day that Christ took a towel and washed the disciple’s feet, giving us an example that we should do to others as He has done to us.
This is the day that Christ our Lord gave us this holy feast, that we who celebration the Lord’s Supper come into the Lord’s resurrection and at the last day may reign with Him in heaven. 

O God,  Your Son Jesus Christ our Lord has left to us the meal of bread and wine in which we share His body and his blood.  May we who celebrate this sing of His great love show in our lives the fruits of His redemption;  through Jesus Christ our Lord,  who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Tuesday and Wednesday - Retreat and Forgiveness

Tuesday  March 26
Before you begin the prayer and devotional today,  take time to prepare yourself.   Sit in a comfortable chair.   Focus upon Jesus. 
As you breath in,  repeat in your mind the phrase “the love of Jesus is within me”.
As you breath out,  repeat in your mind the phrase,  “the love of Jesus is with everyone I meet today”.

Prayer:  “Comfort, Lord all who cry to You.  Transform the sorrows of our faults into the joy of pardon, and in Your goodness hasten for us the return of Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.” (Taize,  “Praise in all our Days”  Mowbray,  1981,  pg. 197).

Read St. Luke 19: 45 – 48

Then Jesus entered the Temple and began driving out those who were selling items at a profit for themselves and for the High Priests.    

Earle Ellis in his commentary on the Gospel of Luke states “the temple tax, required of all Jews, had to be paid in special Jewish coinage.  At certain times money-changers set up counters for his purpose in the courtyards of the temple.  In the same ‘court of the Gentiles’  the temple administration handled the sale of offerings and sacrifices.  These practices and the profiteering involved in them created great resentment among the visiting pilgrims”  (Earle Ellis  “The New Century Bible Commentary:  The Gospel of Luke”  Eerdmans,  1974.)  

While making offerings and sacrifices were all part of Judaism,  what Jesus objected to was the sellers and High Priests were making a profit.    Profit.  That is the key word.  

The Temple and  the Synagogue were places of prayer,  but some sellers and Priests were making God’s houses a place of profit.

What about our Churches today?  Are our Churches a place of prayer or places of profit?

Prayer:  Holy God,  Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One  grant that our Church is a place of prayer.   Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One grant that our Church is a place of love.   Use me today to further Your kingdom, the Church hear on earth.  Amen.

Wednesday  March 27
Prayer of Forgiveness

In order for each of us to be able to say “thank you God”, we need to forgive ourselves and others.   The Forgiveness Prayer exercise today is an easy one but a thorough exercise.
Fold a piece of paper in half lengthwise.   On the left hand side  write the name of the person and  what they have done to you.  Add anyone you can think of on this list…. From the driver who didn’t stop to let you cross the road to the sister that forgot your birthday.
The more we forgive the more healing can be done. 

Name of Person                                                    Forgiveness

When you are done writing the names on the left hand side of your paper, start writing on the right hand side this phrase

 Dear _________, I do forgive you for _____________ and I set you free.  I do forgive myself for feeling hurt/ angry/  violated and I do set myself free.

Wait until you feel different in anyway when you think about that person.  Then go to the next name on your list.  Sometimes the list is a few names and sometimes the list is pages long.   But remember,  the more we forgive the more of God’s love we share. 

End your  Forgiveness Prayer exercise with this  prayer: 
God of all Graciousness,  I thank you that I can come to You with heavy burdens and You take all my burdens  from me.  Thank you Great God that You have taken my sorrows and anger and replace them with Your forgiveness and love.   Help me to find blessings and opportunities even in the most challenging experiences.  In Jesus’ Name I pray.   Amen.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Monday - Jesus weeps

Before you begin the prayer and devotional today,  take time to prepare yourself.   Sit in a comfortable chair.   Focus upon Jesus. 
As you breath in,  repeat in your mind the phrase “Jesus is within me”.
As you breath out,  repeat in your mind the phrase,  “Jesus sustains me”.

Prayer:  Comfort those who need Your peace this day O Lord.   Comfort those who need Your love this day O Lord.  Comfort those who need Your joy so that they,  and we,  are transformed by Your love.   Amen.

Read St. Luke 19: 41 – 44

As Jesus approaches Jerusalem,  he weeps.    Jesus weeps for the people within the walls of Jerusalem…. for all the people who can not  accept the teachings and love of Jesus.  

Jesus has come to redeem and bring salvation to all peoples.  But the people are not ready to accept  the  redemption and salvation of Jesus.   And for their hard heartedness,  Jesus

Jesus says that if the people had only recognized this day what would bring them peace.  But they did not.   So because of closing their ears to the Word of God,  because of closing their eyes to the miracles,  because of closing their hearts to the love of Jesus,  the days ahead will be horrible.   “All because they did not recognize and welcome God’s  personal visit”  (St Luke 9: 44   The Message  Navpress, 2005).

Are we are closed hearted as  those who lived during Jesus’ time but rejected his teachings?     Are we as hard hearted as those who lived during the time of Jesus?

Prayer:  Great God,  unblock the hardness of our hearts that we don’t realize is blocking out Your love.  Great God,  unlock the stubborn thoughts of our minds that we don’t realize is blocking out Your compassion.  Great God,  unlock our souls so that all we find is Your love.  Amen.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Saturday and Sunday - Lent 6 - Palm Sunday

Saturday March 23
Before you begin the prayer and devotional today,  take time to prepare yourself.   Sit in a comfortable chair.   Focus upon Jesus. 
As you breath in,  repeat in your mind the phrase “Jesus lives in me”.
As you breath out,  repeat in your mind the phrase,  “Jesus love goes out to everyone”.

Prayer:  Give thanks to the LORD,  for the LORD is good.  The LORD’s love endures forever.   You are my God and I will  give You thanks.  You are my God, and I will exalt You.  Give thanks to the LORD,  for the LORD is good.  The LORD’s love endures forever.  Amen.

Read  Psalm 118

This Psalm is a song of thanksgiving.  The people had just returned from the Exile and are rejoicing.   This Psalm is often used for the feast of Tabernacles and the early Christians used this Psalm as a Song of Thanksgiving. 

The Interpreter’s Bible Commentary suggests that this Psalm can be divided into six parts… or six petitions.    Psalm 118: 1 – 4  is Israel giving thanks.  Verses  5 to 9 are the Lord’s Answer to the Psalmist.   Verses 10 to 14 are the Nations that surrounded the Psalmist.    Verses  15 to 21  celebrate the victory for the righteous.    Verses 22 – 27 is a Hymn for the Temple.    Verses 28 – 29 is the Doxology.  In this Psalm the doxology is an acknowledgement of faith and gratitude to God.

As people heading into Holy Week,  how do we read this Psalm?      Where ever you see the word “Israel  or “Aaron”  or “house”  put in  the name of your Church.    Where ever you read the word “nation”  put in the word  sin.

Prayer:  Give thanks to the LORD,  for the LORD is good.  The LORD’s love endures forever.   You are my God and I will  give You thanks.  You are my God, and I will exalt You.  Give thanks to the LORD,  for the LORD is good.  The LORD’s love endures forever.  Amen.

Sunday  March 24   Palm Sunday
Before you begin the prayer and devotional today,  take time to prepare yourself.   Sit in a comfortable chair.   Focus upon Jesus. 
As you breath in,  repeat in your mind the phrase “Jesus lives in me”.
As you breath out,  repeat in your mind the phrase,  “Hosanna.  Hosanna in the Highest”.

Prayer:  Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna.  Glory to God in the Highest.  World with end.  Amen.

Read  St. Luke 19: 28 – 40

Reflect on this Scripture readings.  Ask yourself:
*  How does this Scripture reading apply to me?
*  I ponder   the actions, gestures and emotions of Jesus from this Scripture reading. 
 *   What touched my heart about this scripture?   What did I find difficult?
   *   Was there something I would like to return to?
   *   Was there a phrase of verse that I would like to remember?

Prayer:  Jesus Christ,  my Lord and Saviour,  You call me to follow You and to become like You.  You call me to live in communion with God and with each other.  I do not always know where you are leading me but I know that You lead me beside green pastures.   Jesus Christ,  Son of God,  I love you with my whole heart and soul and mind.   Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna.  Glory to God in the Highest.   Amen.  

Friday, 22 March 2013

Friday - the Journey to Holy Week

Before you begin the prayer and devotional today,  take time to prepare yourself.   Sit in a comfortable chair.   Focus upon Jesus. 
As you breath in,  repeat in your mind the phrase “Jesus is with in me”.
As you breath out,  repeat in your mind the phrase,  “the love of Jesus born for me”.

Prayer:  Lord, have mercy upon us and grant us Your peace.  Open our hearts and minds and souls to Your love and Your teachings.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Read Zechariah 9: 9 – 13

We now begin the journey with Jesus to Jerusalem and to his Death and Resurrection.
This is not an easy season in the Church year.  There are some tough topics we will be reading and meditating upon.   But this is all part of Lent – that time of  returning our love to God.  

Zechariah’s  prophecy is of the coming of Zion’s King – a Messiah.  This King comes to free his people and all the nations.     The King comes in righteousness and having salvation. The King comes on a donkey.   Kings who came riding into town on a horse was a symbol of  war.  Kings who came riding into town on a donkey was a symbol of peace.
Zechariah prophecies that Zion’s King will come into Jerusalem riding a donkey – a King of peace.     Zechariah continues to state that the King will proclaim peace to the nations.  His rule will extend from sea to sea.   This Messiah King will bring together the glories of the kingdom of David.
Zechariah prophecies that the people of Zion will be freed and their city will be returned to them.  Everyone will have hope. 
Zechariah prophecies that Jerusalem will be restored the best beyond the best.  The people will be filled with hope.  Their long awaited Messiah will be their King.

As we begin the journey into Holy Week,  we think back to this prophecy from Zechariah.  The people of Israel knew this teaching.   Do you think they were wondering if Jesus was the long awaited Messiah?

As we begin this journey into the Holy Week,  reflect on the scripture  that you read today.  This Lent,  do something more by reading  through this Scripture a couple of times.  Each time you read this Scripture you will find new ideas or thoughts or phrases that stand out.

It is only through our reading of the Scriptures,  meditating on the Scriptures, and prayers that God’s love through Jesus is fully revealed to us.    It is this love that holds us steady and keeps us sustained during this Holy Week.     God’s  great love that is deep and full… and all we need to do to be part of God’s great love  is to say, “Lord I am here and I am Your’s”. 

Prayer:  Great God,  how deep is Your love.  How full is Your love.   Lord, I am here and I am Your’s.   Amen.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Thursday - Lord, teach us to pray

Prayer:   Holy,  Holy, Holy God.  Lord of power and strength.  Heaven and earth are full of Your glory.    Return to the Lord for the Lord is all tenderness and compassion.  Amen.

Read  St Luke 11:  1- 4

This section of St Luke is Jesus’ teachings on prayer.   The disciples come to Jesus and ask him to teach them a prayer as John taught his disciples.   During this time,  all teachers  would teach their students how to pray and as well giving them a prayer to sustain their calling to discipleship and learning.

Jesus begins by saying,  “When you pray say…. Our Father”.    What isn’t translated into English is the words “Our Father”.  During the time of Jesus,  all prayers were addressed to the very formal and only used for religious prayer,  “Our Father”.  Jesus’ use of the name “Our Father” is actually that of Abba…. Abba is what Jewish children would call their fathers.  

The disciples must have been thinking, “Good heavens Jesus!  Are you sure we can pray Abba to God?”

The Lord’s Prayer is one that we pray every day and each Sunday at Church.   This prayer is composed of Jesus teaching the disciples to begin this prayer in Adoration to God. Father, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come.  While they can call God,  abba,  the disciples  must come before God in adoration.

Give us each day our daily bread.   Then Jesus instructs the disciples to ask for daily bread – for sustanence on the journey.  

Forgive us our sins, for we also  forgive everyone who sins against us.  Jesus also instructs the disciples that they must ask for forgiveness daily.  Forgiveness must be not only asking that our sins may be forgiven but forgiveness for those who sin against us. 
Wow!  Think about this prayer petition for a moment.  Forgiveness not only for ourselves but also for those who sin against us.    If we truly followed this prayer,  would we have fighting or conflict in the Church?    Something to think about!

And lead us not into temptation.   Jesus instructs the disciples to ask that God will keep them safe from themselves and from making bad choices and from evil. 

Today as you say your prayers,  remember the Lord’s  Prayer given to the disciples so that they would be sustained in their life and work and always giving glory to God for all they do or say.

Prayer:   Our Father who is in heaven.  Hallowed be Your name.  Your kingdom come.  Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread.  And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.  Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from all evil.  For Your kingdom,  Your power, and Your glory.  Amen.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Wednesday - Mary and Martha and the Bread of Life

Prayer:  Lord God Almighty, You nourish our bodies through the Word.   You fill our hearts with joy.   Help us to continually praise You in all we do today.   In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Read  St.  Luke  10: 38 – 42

Ah yes,  the story of Mary and Martha.   This is the  story that all Ladies Aid groups who serve at Funerals and Baptisms and Weddings and other Church events always snort and groan.   Cooking in the kitchen.
In years past we heard sermons telling us that Mary made the wise choice in sitting by Jesus and listening to his teachings and Martha made the poor choice by working in the kitchen and missing out on hearing about the Kingdom of God.   
This explanation sounds wonderful until our stomachs growl with hunger.  Then suddenly we realize that someone does have to be in the kitchen cooking and preparing meals for others.
So what is really going on in this story?   Was Martha working away in the kitchen not only doing her duties but also having to do Mary’s duties in the kitchen because Mary was sitting listening to Jesus.  Martha was getting tired and frustrated at having to cook for Jesus and the disciples and who knows how other many people without Mary’s help.  
Martha’s  frustration erupts when she says to Jesus, “Don’t you care that my sister has abandoned the kitchen to me?  Tell her to lend me a hand”. 

Read again who Martha tells about her frustration.  It is Jesus.  Not Mary but Jesus.   So could we jump to a conclusion that Mary had already completed her duties in the kitchen and was listening to Jesus.     So could we also jump to a conclusion that Martha was going overboard with hosting the meal.  The King James Version states it as “But Martha was cumbered about much serving” (vs 40).  Aha!   Instead of just preparing a simple meal and then also sitting down to learn from Jesus,  Martha was getting too bound up in only the food. 

This is actually a great parable for us to hear.   Prepare a simple meal so that one still has energy  to listen to the words of Jesus.   Do not prepare a meal that becomes an 18 course fancy meal and end up being totally focussed on the meal and then too tired to hear the Word of God.   We need a balance in our Christian life.    We need the Bread of Life as much as food for our body.

So the next time you have to prepare or serve food at a Funeral or Baptism or Wedding  or Lenten Worship - Lunch or other Church events,  remember to say a prayer for the event.  Remember to ask Jesus to use your gifts of food to nourish not only the people’s physical bodies but also nourish their spiritual body as well.

Prayer:   Comfort Your people O Lord.   May the work of our hands and the thoughts of our mind be  to Your glory and praise.  What ever we are to do today,  may we do in Your peace and strength and healing and love. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Tuesday - Go and Do the Same

Prayer:  Great God,  we have already inherited eternal life.  Thank You. Great God,  we have already inherited  Your love.  Thank You.  Great God,  You give to us freely may we in turn share this love and compassion with those we meet this day.  Amen.

Read St. Luke 10: 25 – 37

An expert in the law stands up and asks Jesus, “What must I do to inherit eternal life”.  
Jesus responds by asking the expert in the law what is written in the law. 
The expert responds that one is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and your neighbour as yourself.
Jesus says  that the expert has answered well,  to go and follow the law and live.
But the expert  replies,  “But who is my neighbour”?

Jesus responds with the Story of the Good Samaritan.    A Samaritan.  These are the people who would not let the disciples and Jesus stay in their town nor provide them with hospitality.  These are the people who were not liked by the Jews.    And here Jesus begins telling a story about a neighbour.   That neighbour being a Samaritan.

As Jesus tells this story,  eyebrows must have been raising in the crowd.   The one who helped the injured man was a Samaritan who not only gave the man first aid but also paid for the injured man to stay in a inn while he recovered.

Jesus then asks the expert, “Which of the three became a neighbour to the injured man?”
The expert responds, “The one who treated the injured man kindly”
Go and do the same.

Jesus tells us too to “Go and do the same”.    Help out our neighbours.   Help out those people who live in your community.  As a Church, help out those people who live in the community.

Prayer:  Great God,  we pray for our next door neighbours.  Be with them in their times of joy and their times of sorrow.  Give us an opportunity to help out our neighbour this day.  Hear us,  O Lord and grant us Your peace.  Amen.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Monday - blessings and being a blessing

Prayer:   “Almighty God,  give Your people grace to hear Your Word,  to receive it with a pure heart and to bring forth the fruits of the Spirit. Hear us, O Lord.   Help and comfort all who are in danger,  need and trouble. Hear us, O Lord.   Protect the sick and show Your compassion to prisoners.  Her us, O Lord.  Defend the orphans, widows and all who are sad and oppressed.  Provide for all their needs.  Hear us, O Lord.  Grant us joy and thankfulness for Your ceaseless gifts to us all.  Hear us, O Lord.”  (Taize “Praise in all our Days”  Mowbray,  1981,  pg. 194).

Read St Luke 10: 21 – 23

Filled with joy and the Holy Spirit,  Jesus begins to pray a prayer of thanksgiving. 
Read this prayer of thanksgiving:
“At that same time, Jesus felt the joy that comes from the Holy Spirit, and he said:  My Father, Lord of heaven and earth, I am grateful that you hid all this from wise and educated people and showed it to ordinary people. Yes, Father, that is what pleased you. My Father has given me everything, and he is the only one who knows the Son. The only one who really knows the Father is the Son. But the Son wants to tell others about the Father, so that they can know him too.  Jesus then turned to his disciples and said to them in private, “You are really blessed to see what you see!”    (Contemporary English Version.  Copyright © 1995 by American Bible Society)

You are really blessed to see what you see.    You are really blessed to hear what you hear each Sunday in Church.    The Good News is for all ordinary people.  We don’t have to be special or have any designation in order to receive and hear the Gospel. 
As Presbyterians we don’t comment very much about blessings.    We hear the Benediction said by the Minister each Sunday.  Out of all the elements of worship,  we frequently miss really hearing the Benediction... we're fall into the trap of thinking that worship is done and what in the heck will we have for lunch.... or what is the quickest route to the Church's bathroom.  But stop for a minute.  At the end of worship as the Minister is saying the Benediction (Blessing),  bow your head in awe at the love of God.  Stop and hear the blessings.  Listen to the blessing that is given.   

But do you consider yourself blessed?  In some cultures being “blessed” means being wealthy and having a lot of children and having an amazing house.    Yet this is not what Jesus is saying at all.  To be blessed means to be able to say that Jesus is our Lord and Saviour and he loves us greatly.      

Blessings are positive and are filled with joy and peace.   As the new Pope stood in front of the crowd for the very first time last week,  he asked the people to bless him and pray for him.  And then he blessed them.  How cool is that.   

This Lent,  how will you live out the blessing that God has given to you?   How will you be a blessing?

Prayer:     O God,  for the blessings You have bestowed upon us,  we give You thanks and praise.  Make us alert to Your presence so that we may eagerly serve You and follow in the steps of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.  Amen.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Sunday - Lent 5

Prayer:  “O Christ, of Your fullness we have all received.  You are our eternal hope.  You are patient and full of kindness.  You are generous to all who call upon You.  Lord hear our prayer.  O Christ,  fountain of life and of holiness.  You have taken away our sins.  You were loaded with insults and crushed beneath the burden of our faults.  Lord hear our prayer.  O Christ,  obedient unto death,  source of all comfort, our life and our resurrection, our peace and our reconciliation.  Lord  hear our prayer.  O Christ,  salvation of all who hope in You,  hope of all who die in You, and bliss of all the saints.  Lord hear our prayer.  Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  Lord forgive us.  Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world,  Lord hear us.  Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  Lord have mercy upon us…..  We give our thanks to God. Amen.     (Taize  “Praise in all our Days” Mowbray,  1981,  pg. 178 – 179)

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Saturday - Too busy or not

Meetings.  Volunteering.   Being a volunteer at Church and in a Museum and  on an Army Cadet Corps Sponsoring Committee means being in contact with a lot of people.   People all have differing ideas.  Sometimes these ideas clash and one leaves feeling disappointed and frustrated.    As Christians it is so important for us not to carry about that disappointment and frustration.  We must release the disappointment and frustration to God.  We must ask for forgivenss and our actions must be one of thanksgiving.  Not easy but this is what it means to be a Christian. 

This week I keep hearing the words "I am too busy" or "we are overworked"  from other people.   Which means the person doesn't want to do the work behind the event.   Which means the person really wants the easy way out.   Which means a person saying they are so busy is trying to look busy but they really aren't.  What they are doing is selfish and trying to become self-important.
Rev Stephen Cherry has written a marvelous book,  "Beyond Busyness:  Time Wisdom for Ministry".  This is an exceptional book.  Well worth the read for everyone.  Rev Cherry states, "When we are busy we become reactive rather than responsive, we get stressed and stop listening,  we pay attention to ourselves too much and to others too little".   His book gives awesome information as well as times spent in reflection with Jesus.   Awesome book.

So the next time you are in a meeting or responding to an e-mail and you being the say, "I am too busy"... stop what you are doing and think of how you can bring the gratitude of God into the meeting or e-mail or event.  

Prayer:   Jesus,  I come into Your presence today knowing that You love me for who I am.    Jesus, I come into Your presence today knowing that You  listen to all I say.    Jesus,  I come into Your presence today basking in Your love and glory.  Jesus, You have brought me to this moment and I love You.

Reflect over the your  week.  
   *   Reflect and ponder  the events - meetings - programs - volunteering you were involved in this week.    
*Was this a week of frustration or joy?  
 * When you had meetings,  did you bring thanks to the meeting? 
  *When meetings or events got frustrating,  did you remember to pray a prayer of forgiveness for yourself and those who frustrated you (or you frustrated them!)?
  * Did you tell your family they are loved by you?
* Ask yourself:  How did the Scripture readings I read this week help me live my life in Christ?
 *   What touched my heart about the scripture readings this week?   What did I find difficult?
   *   What one thing will you do this week that will help bring the love of Christ to your family and people you meet through events,  programs,  volunteering,  work.

 Picture Jesus sitting beside you.   Tell Jesus why he is your Lord and Saviour.    Be aware of the love Jesus has for you.  Share your week with Jesus and just let reflections be in Jesus’ presence. 

Prayer:  Jesus Christ,  my Lord and Saviour,  You call me to follow You and to become like You.  You call me to live in communion with God and with each other.  I do not always know where you are leading me but I know that You lead me beside green pastures.   Jesus Christ,  Son of God,  I love you with my whole heart and soul and mind.   Amen.  

Friday, 15 March 2013

Friday - teaching about Jesus

Prayer:   Almighty God,  what ever we are to do today,  may we do in Your love.  Almighty God, what ever we are to do today,  may we do in Your Peace.  If we are to sit,  or stand,  or do chores…. Whatever we are to do today,  we do knowing of Your great love for us.  Amen.

Read  St Luke  10:  17 – 20

The seventy returned with great joy.   They were bursting with triumph that even the devils were subject to the seventy through the name of Jesus.   

Jesus responds to the seventy by reminding them that their triumph was not completed in their name but in God’s authority over them and God’s presence within them.    Jesus continues to tell the seventy that it is not what we do for God but what God does for us that is for rejoicing.
The seventy had the disciples and Jesus to teach and instruct them.  Who do we have today to teach and instruct us in the life of Jesus?   As Presbyterians we usually respond  to this question by answering “our Minister and Elders”.      We learn through conversation about Jesus,  through Bible Study,  through Worship,  and life experiences.
As we listen and ask questions about our faith,  we grow in Christian maturity.
How did those who followed Jesus grow in faith?   Jesus sent them out to tell others that the Kingdom of God was near.
Like  the sending out of the Seventy,  each of us  are all called to teach and instruct others about the Gospel of Christ.   
Jesus did not say to the seventy to just attend worship on Sunday and go home and do nothing for the other six days.  Jesus told the seventy to go out and tell others that the Kingdom of God is near.

This Lent and beyond,  how will you  share the Gospel of Christ?  

Prayer:  Lord,  hear our prayer.  Let our prayers rise up to You like an evening offering.  Lord,  You reign for ever. Hear us O  Lord as we offer up to You our prayers……