Saturday, 30 March 2013

Holy Saturday

Prayer:   Living God,  we wait today for Your Risen Son.   We wait today with eyes seeking Your eyes.  With hearts seeking Your heart.  With hands seeking Your hands.  With Life seeking renewed Life in the Risen Lord.    We will follow You today through this time of waiting and praying.  Amen.

Read   St. John 19:  38 – 42

Joseph of Arimathea asks Pilate for the body of Jesus  so that Jesus can be buried.  Helping Joseph of Arimathea is Nicodemus.  Together the two of them place spices on Jesus’ body and wrap the body in linens.   Then Jesus is laid in the tomb.

The day of Holy Saturday is a day of waiting.  We wait,  knowing the end of the story and the celebration of the Resurrection tomorrow.   But for today,  we wait.

Waiting is difficult.   Time goes by so slowly.  But while we wait,  we pray.

Prayer:  Great God,  we uplift today those who are in pain because of wars and strife.  Lord,  bring to them Your peace and Your justice…..
Great God,  we lift up to You today  those who are in pain because they have lost their family,  or their family is lost to them.  Lord,  surround them with Your love….
Great God,  we lift up to You today  those who wait for news of disease.  Lord,  bring comfort into their hearts…..
Great God,  we lift up to You today those who care for others.  Lord,  sustain their ministry….
Great God,  we lift up to You today all parents as they raise their children.  Lord,  provide a light to lighten the path to You….
Great God,  we lift up to You today our family…..   Lord,  bring Your love into all the corners of their hearts.
Great God,  we lift up to You today our Church…. Lord,  give to those who lead and to those who support Your enthusiasm and Your imagination.
Great God,  we love You with our whole hearts.  We thank You for the gift of Your son. 
Our hope is in You,  our refuge is in Your Son,  and our protection is in the Holy Spirit.    Amen.

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