Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Tuesday - Go and Do the Same

Prayer:  Great God,  we have already inherited eternal life.  Thank You. Great God,  we have already inherited  Your love.  Thank You.  Great God,  You give to us freely may we in turn share this love and compassion with those we meet this day.  Amen.

Read St. Luke 10: 25 – 37

An expert in the law stands up and asks Jesus, “What must I do to inherit eternal life”.  
Jesus responds by asking the expert in the law what is written in the law. 
The expert responds that one is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and your neighbour as yourself.
Jesus says  that the expert has answered well,  to go and follow the law and live.
But the expert  replies,  “But who is my neighbour”?

Jesus responds with the Story of the Good Samaritan.    A Samaritan.  These are the people who would not let the disciples and Jesus stay in their town nor provide them with hospitality.  These are the people who were not liked by the Jews.    And here Jesus begins telling a story about a neighbour.   That neighbour being a Samaritan.

As Jesus tells this story,  eyebrows must have been raising in the crowd.   The one who helped the injured man was a Samaritan who not only gave the man first aid but also paid for the injured man to stay in a inn while he recovered.

Jesus then asks the expert, “Which of the three became a neighbour to the injured man?”
The expert responds, “The one who treated the injured man kindly”
Go and do the same.

Jesus tells us too to “Go and do the same”.    Help out our neighbours.   Help out those people who live in your community.  As a Church, help out those people who live in the community.

Prayer:  Great God,  we pray for our next door neighbours.  Be with them in their times of joy and their times of sorrow.  Give us an opportunity to help out our neighbour this day.  Hear us,  O Lord and grant us Your peace.  Amen.

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