Thursday, 14 March 2013

Thursday - Travelling Light

Prayer:   Great God,  what ever journey You set out for us today,  we will give You thanks.  Heavenly God,  what ever journey You set out for us today,  we will give You our peace.  O Christ,  Son of God,  what ever journey You set out for us today,  we know that we will do Your will for we live and dwell in Your love forever.  Amen.

Read  St Luke  10:  1 -  16

Jesus sends out seventy followers.  He sends them out in pairs to go to every town and place where Jesus is about to go.  What is this?  Is this called the promotional arrangements tour?     Nope,  not at all.  This is called the sharing of the Good News of the Kingdom of God by word of mouth.  Jesus has encountered three people who will not follow him.  Now Jesus sends out seventy to spread the Good News of the Gospel.  The Kingdom of God is near.      

Jesus gives them specific instructions:
 The seventy are to travel light. 
 No loitering and making small talk
 Enter a home and greet the family by saying, “Peace”
 If your greeting is received,  then stay
 If your greeting is not received then leave
 Stay at one home and eat your meals at this place
 Do not move from home to home
 Eat what is put before you
 Heal anyone who is sick and tell them, “God’s kingdom is right on your doorstep”
 If a town you enter does not receive you,  say, “The only thing we got from you is the dirt on our feet, and we’re giving it back. Did you have any idea that God’s kingdom was right on your doorstep?”  (St Luke 10: 11)

In our Churches today,  do we send out our Elders to knock on the doors of people who live near the Church and tell them about the Kingdom of God?  Does Session even know the neighbours who live near the Church?   Do Elders meet with neighbours for prayer and healing?    Does the Church send out flyers letting the neighbourhood know of  what we are doing in our Church?  Does the Church send flowers or provide food to neighbours during times of joy and sorrow?    Does the Church have a big announcement board outside the Church announcing Bible Studies,  Worship times,  Kids Groups?    How does the Church you belong to tell the neighbourhood that the Kingdom of God?  

God’s kingdom is right on your doorstep.   The  kingdom of God is near.  This Lent,  reflect on the phrase “the kingdom of God is near” and how your Church responds to this announcement. 

Prayer:   Great God,  what ever journey You set out for us today,  we will give You thanks.  Heavenly God,  what ever journey You set out for us today,  we will give You our peace.  O Christ,  Son of God,  what ever journey You set out for us today,  we know that we will do Your will for we live and dwell in Your love forever.  Amen.

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