Saturday, 2 March 2013

Saturday - Lenten Retreat

Prayer:   Jesus,  I come into Your presence today knowing that You love me for who I am.    Jesus, I come into Your presence today knowing that You listen to all I say.    Jesus,  I come into Your presence today basking in Your love and glory.  Jesus, You have brought me to this moment and I love You.

Picture Jesus sitting beside you.   Tell Jesus why he is your Lord and Saviour.    Be aware of the love Jesus has for you.  Share any questions you have about Jesus and just let the questions be in Jesus’ presence.  You don’t need to answer the questions yourself.
Share your week with Jesus.   Tell him of all the joys and sorrows and disappoints you have had this week.  Then remember that no matter what has happened in your life, Jesus is always with you.... loving you... supporting you....enthusiastic that you are living your life in Jesus's name.  
Think of three awesome things that you are thankful for that happened this week. 

Reflect over the Scripture readings of this past week.  Ask yourself:
*  How do these Scripture readings apply to me?
*  Ponder   the actions, gestures and emotions of Jesus from the Scripture readings this past week. 
 *   What touched my heart about this scripture?   What did I find difficult?
   *   Was there something I would like to return to?
   *   Was there a phrase of verse that I would like to remember?
Prayer:  Jesus Christ,  my Lord and Saviour,  You call me to follow You and to become like You.  You call me to live in communion with God and with each other.  I do not always know where you are leading me but I know that You lead me beside green pastures.  With thanksgiving,  we come to You and You heal our aching hearts and minds and souls.  Thank You!   Jesus Christ,  Son of God,  I love you with my whole heart and soul and mind.   Amen.  

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