Monday, 30 April 2012

Amazing Monday

Wow!  Did we ever have a lot of rain yesterday.   And odd bits of rain too.   Sometimes the rain would be driving into the earth and the next moment the rain would be like a Scottish mist.  Even with all our rain yesterday,   the soil in our front gardens is 100% totally dry.    Just shows how much rain we do need for the crops this year.

Yesterday one of our former Army Cadets called to say he had been accepted into Royal Military College,  Kingston Ontario Canada.  This is an extreme honour as RMC has very high standards.   Congratulations Dustin!   Well done!    He starts his Basic Military Qualifications in September.  Although just like our Reservists,  he presently does not know where he will be going for his Basic Military Qualifications.  Odd that the BMQ Course would not be held at the Royal Military College but there we are.   

Monday retreat.....
Prayer:   Open my eyes to Your word this day O Lord.  Open my heart to Your work this day O Lord.   Open my soul to Your Holy Spirit this day O Lord.  This I ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Read:  St. Matthew 13: 24 – 30

Jesus tells another parable about seeds and weeds.   God’s kingdom is like a farmer who planted good seed in his field but while his hired men were asleep,  his enemy sows weeds.   The good seed and the weeds grow up together.     Jesus tells the disciples that in all Churches,  there are good people and not so good people but it is only in the final day of judgment will God discern which are the good people and which are the not so good people.  It is not the disciples’  nor our task to discern who is good and who is not good.   It is the Churches responsibility to sow the Good News of God and to let the Word of God get sewn where it may.

Prayer:  Great God,  move through every part of my body and mind, dissolving all feelings,  thoughts,  and patterns of frustration, irritation, and aggravation.  Please sweep away all impatience,  struggle, and suffering that resides in my consciousness.  Allow me to turn my frustration into inspiration and enthusiasm.  Guide me in the direction where my actions will become actualized and help spread the Word of God this day.   Thank you God!  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.
 Many blessings!

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Sabbath Sunday

Here in Brandon,  it is raining.    We certainly need these spring rains as the earth is extremely
dry.   But we can't ask for too much rain or our Assiniboine River will flood again.    Not enough rain,  too much rain is rather like our Christian journey.    Sometimes we are enthused and renewed by our daily life (just right amount of rain)  and sometimes we are drained by our daily life (Too much or too little amount of rain).     Yet it all leads back to prayer.  It is in prayer and the reading of the Bible that we are sustained in times of too much and times of too little.  

These past fews weeks,  I have been listening and reading about Ministers and Elders who are finding this season a huge burden.   The Ministers and Elders are understanding that their responsibilities are too great and the frustration levels are huge... and,  of course, there is never any money to do anything to build up the Church.   

When Ministers and Elders get to this stage of frustration,  it is time to meet together over food and pray.  Yup,  pray.   Prayers of forgiveness,  Prayers of burdens,  Prayers of Adoration, Prayers of Intercession,    Prayers of Thanksgiving.    Go for a walk together and then gather to pray some more.    Eat together and then pray some more. 

Prayer is healing and cleansing.  Praying together creates enthusiasm beyond that which we know.

This day may we who can either attend worship or are sick at home but still worship from our rocking chairs,  keep our Ministers and Elders in our prayers.   Through our prayers,  may we help to lift their burdens and provide them with the spring rains of new life and new enthusiasm to share the love of Christ with others.    But in everything may God's will be done.

Redeeming God,  help us to open our hearts to Your Word.  As the cooling spring rains brings about new life and new growth, help our Ministers and Elders to see this season as a time of newness in Your sight.     Open our ears to the cries of Your people so that we can respond with Your love.  Open our hearts to the love that You give to us all.   This we ask in Jesus’  name.  Amen.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Wonderful Saturday

Preparing our hearts for Sunday worship.....
Take a notebook and pen and thinking back over yesterday,  write down what you did in the name of Christ.   Write down what you should have done in the name of Christ.  Write down how you will live your life in the name of Christ.                                     

Now pray for each of these items you have written.

End with:     Healing God,  we thank You that You provide us with healing and balance.  Help us live out our lives in Your love.  What ever we do,  may we rejoice knowing that we live surrounded by Your love.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Wonderful Friday

Almost planting time.    In our region of gardening,  we plant our gardens after the new moon in May.    The weather has been so awesome here this month that many people are already planting.  Some of the farmers have already planted their potato crops.   But if we get a cold snap or a deep frost,  these people will loose their crops and gardens.  Decisions needing to be made.  To plant now or wait until we know there will not be another frost.  

Seeds,  spring,   growth.   This is an amazing time of year.  Here in Brandon we have a seed company called "McKenzie Steele Briggs".  Us locals just call it "McKenzie's"  don't cha know.   They produce millions of seed packages every year and ship them all over Canada.  Humm,  I think it is time to go drool over the Spring seed catalogues this weekend!   In the same way,  it is time to  read the Bible with the same enthusaism and passion as we read the new Spring Garden catalgues!

Friday Retreat.....
Prayer:  Almighty and Everlasting God,  help me to move in the direction You would have me go.  Help me to recognize and celebrate all the wonderful things You have helped me accomplish over my life.  Thank You Lord for all the magnificent people with whom I have connected and all the rich experiences that I have lived.  I am truly blessed.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Read:  St. Matthew 13: 18 – 23

Jesus then provides the disciples with the meaning of the Parable of the seeds.   The seed is the word of God.  If we go to Church and listen to the sermon each Sunday and on Monday we are back to our old sinning selves then we have not let the word of God into our lives.    If a minister or lay preacher does not read, pray, and meditate upon the Sunday scripture and then tries to  write a sermon Saturday night,  the understanding of the word of God remains on the surface and doesn’t get into explaining how this word of God applies to our lives  then we are like seed cast on the road.   The word of God sits in our lives doing nothing.  The word of God sits in the ministers or lay preachers lives doing nothing.
Jesus said that a person who hears the word of God and instantly responds with emotion lacks an understanding of God.  When this person gets into difficulty,  they do not have a deep understanding of the love of God and fall away.   
The seed that is spread into the weeds is like the person who hears the Good News  but worries about every little detail and forgets the big picture is not understanding  the Good news of God. 
The seed cast on good earth is like a person who hears and takes in the Good News into their hearts and then shares that Good News with others has got what the Word of God is all about.

Prayer:  Christ has Risen!  Christ has Risen indeed!   Christ took all our sins upon himself and gave us Eternal Life.   Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  have mercy upon us.  Lamb of God,  You take away the sins from my heart,  have mercy upon me.  Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  grant us Your peace.   As we live out our life in Your name today,  help us to ask ourselves “What have I done for Christ?”    “What am I doing for Christ today?”  What ought I to do for You today”?    Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  grant us Your love.   Amen

Many blessings!

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Wonderful Thursday

Stories.   How important are our stories.  The stories we read from the library or Kindle.  The stories that our family tell us about their day.  And the stories from history.  Yesterday  our Museum Librarian sent along a story from a French Language Magazine about Trooper Geres and Trooper Tester,  WW2  XII MB Dragoons.   26 Fd Regt Supply Officer,  Sgt Lacerte had translated from the French and it was fascinating reading the story about Trooper Geres and Tester.    Sgt. Lacerte is from Quebec and some of his English translation was fascinating.    The Museum Librarian asked me to translate from Quebec English into Prairie English.     Yet,  even through three translations, the story was fascinating.    Trooper Geres was too young to enlist in WW2 as well as having no vision in his left eye.    Once he was declined from service,  he went and found an eye chart and memorized the
letters.    He went and signed up again and had no problem with the eye chart.  He became a Trooper with XII MB Dragoons (18th Armoured Car Division).  
It is fascinating how some people overcome the stumbling blocks in their lives.    This gentleman could have just given up after the first "no" but he kept on towards his goal of joining the Military to help his country.  And while I would not suggest we take devious means to reach our goal like the good Trooper did,  he did it because he had a passion for reaching his goal.   The passion for reaching his goal is what we need to remember!
And how much more do we need this passion to reach our goal in our Churches!   What is your Church's story?  And what has the Church you belong to done to reach the goal Jesus set before us to teach others of Him by spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ?

Thursday Retreat....
Prayer:   Heavenly Father,  thank You for the stories of Jesus.  Things I would ask Jesus to tell me if he were here.   Scenes by the wayside,  tales of the sea.  Stories of Jesus tell them to me.   First let me hear how the children stood round his knee.  And I shall fancy his blessing resting on me.  Words of kindness,  deeds full of grace,  all of the love-light of Jesus’ face.   Amen   (Tell me the Stories of Jesus.  Words by William Henry Parker.  National Education Christian Council)

Read:  St. Matthew 13: 10 – 17

The disciples ask Jesus why he tells stories.  Jesus replies that a story will ready people’s  hearts.  Some of the people (and the disciples)  understand what Jesus is saying and have an insight into his teachings but other people have no readiness and haven’t a clue what Jesus is trying to teach.  It is through the stories Jesus tells that people begin to understand what it means to be a follower of God.  
Jesus then quotes from the prophet Isaiah and says that he doesn’t want the people to not understand.    Their ears are open but they don’t hear a thing.   Their eyes are alive but they don’t see at thing.   The people turn away so that they do not have to look at Jesus face to face so he can heal them. 
The Disciples have been blessed with a readiness to understand the words and teachings of Jesus. 
How today do we turn away and not understand the teachings of Jesus?   Are we like the people Isaiah is talking about that we shut out God because we don’t want to understand the teachings of Jesus?   
Today ask God to open your eyes to a renewed understanding of the teachings of Jesus. 

Creator God,  open my eyes to renewed understandings of the teachings of Your son.  Divine Healer,  please instill  within me feelings of peace,  clarity,  fulfillment,  appreciation,  and serenity.  Allow me to experience harmony,  unity, and support in my life and in my family.  This I ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Wonderful Wednesday

Yesterday one of our neighbours was having a garage sale.   As he was sitting outside waiting for people to buy his goodies,  he was playing and singing on his guitar.   He has a wonderful voice and it was neat to sit out on our deck and listen to him sing.    
Then yesterday afternoon,   sitting out on the deck again and listening to the sounds of the spring birds was magnificient.   This year has got to be the best year for birds.   There are a lot of birds... more than we have seen (or heard) in the last almost four years.   Their songs are awe-inspiring.
Listening.   It does take effort to really listen but it is oh so worth while!
This day remember to listen to God  and to your family.

Wednesday Retreat.....
Prayer:   Great God,  we thank You that we can spend this time learning about Your Word and the Work You have given to us to accomplish.  Help me to be a blessing to others this day.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

Read:  St. Matthew 13: 1 – 9

Jesus frequently spent time away from the crowd and the disciples.  He would go to a quiet place and pray and meditate.  A time away (whether physically away or just taking a time to say, "I'm praying!") is so essential for a healthy ministry.   Ministers and Elders need to take time away to listen to the voice of God and to sit in God's presence.
In this portion of Matthew,  Jesus attempts to take time for prayer while sitting on the beach.  In no time at all,  a crowd gathers around Jesus.  There are so many people around Jesus that he gets into a boat. Does he tell them that he needs time alone and to go away?  Not at all.  Jesus had compassion on the crowd and begins to tells them a story of the harvest.  A farmer plants some seed.  Some of the seeds fall on the road and  get eaten by birds.   Some of the seeds fall on gravel and while they sprout the seeds do not develop roots.  Some of the seed falls amongst weeds and get strangled by the weeds. 
Then Jesus asks the crowd if they are really listening.  What do you think Jesus meant by  this?
Are we really listening?   

Prayer:  Help us Lord to listen today.  To sit in Your stillness and hear all the sounds that are around us.  Help us Lord to listen to You today.  To sit in Your stillness and hear Your voice.  This we rejoice in Your Son’s  name. amen.
Many blessings!

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Amazing Tuesday

Last night was the official end of the Museum online course called, "Condition Assessments".   This course was all about how to write up a Condition Report for each artefact that enters or leaves a Museum.     Basically the Report writes up what the artefact looks like and notes if there is any damage.     You know,   I think as a meditative idea,  we should write up Condition Assessments on ourselves and our life's journey in Christ.     It would certainly be eye opening.   One would have to list all the good things about one's self and then list what is "damaged".   After the Report is written to spend time in prayer.    
Of course,  the Great Christians in our past have already had this same thoughts which have become Ignation Retreats,   Silent Retreats,  to name a few.
Today think about all the good things about your life and your family!

Tuesday Retreat.....
Prayer:  Great God,  You are our Creator and Redeemer and Sustainer.  We give You thanks and praise that You have created us to be who You want us to be.  We rejoice that we can live this day in Your presence and we worship You with gratitude and celebration.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

Read:  St. Matthew 12:  46 - 50

These verses always seem odd.  Mary the Mother of Jesus and his brothers come to visit Jesus.   Instead of Jesus hopping right up and going to be with his family,   Jesus responds by saying to the crowd, “Who do you think are my mother and brothers?  Look closely.”  Jesus points to the disciples and says, “These are my mother and brothers.  Obedience is thicker than blood.  The person who obeys my heavenly Father’s will is my brother and sister and mother” Huh?   Does Jesus ignore his family?   Some  Scholars state that Jesus is making the point that because the Disciples left their own families to follow Jesus,  they are his family.    Some Scholars state that Jesus was actually including everyone who obeys  God’s  will is his mother and brother and sister.  
Think of Jesus’ explanation this way.  We have our birth family but we also have our Church family and our Community family and our friends (family).   Family  is the group of people that we care about and will help out.  Jesus extends this understanding by saying that everyone who obeys God’s will  is family.  How neat!

Prayer:   Christ has Risen!  Christ has Risen indeed!   Christ took all our sins upon himself and gave us Eternal Life.   Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  have mercy upon us.  Lamb of God,  You take away the sins from my heart,  have mercy upon me.  Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  grant us Your peace.   As we live out our life in Your name today,  help us to ask ourselves “What have I done for Christ?”    “What am I doing for Christ today?”  What ought I to do for You today”?    Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  grant us Your love.   Amen

Many blessings!

Monday, 23 April 2012

Wonderful Monday

Monday retreat.....
Prayer:   God of All,  we thank You that we are able to sit in Your presence through this time of Devotional.  God of All,  we thank You that we are able to reflect upon Your word.   God of All,  we ask that You use us today to fulfill Your kingdom.  This we ask in the name of Jesus,  Your son.  Amen.

Read:  St. Matthew 12: 38 – 45

Some of the Scribes and Pharisees come to Jesus and ask to know what his credentials are for being able to heal and preach the Word of God.   The “credential” that they want is a miracle.   Jesus responds by saying that the only proof they will get is that like Jonah,  the Son of Man will be gone three days and nights in a deep grave.  As the Ninevites stood up and repented,  so too must everyone repent.   Jesus says that we must all clean the junk out of our lives and get ready for God. 
Unfortunately for some of the Scribes and Pharisees,  they did not get ready for God.  They did not repent.  They did not clean the junk out of their lives.  And now the devil is moving back in their lives.
We  too need to clean the junk out of our lives.   While we did clean the junk out of our lives during the season of Lent,  we need to take time at the end of each day to look over our day and see if we have any times where we were negative,  had negative thoughts,  or did not bring the Good News of God into our community.  

Prayer:  Almighty God,  I  release all my negative thoughts to You.   Divine Healer,  please instill within me Your peace,  Your fulfillment,  Your serenity, and Your joy.  This I ask that Your will be done.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Many blessings!

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Amazing Sunday

Hurrah!  Holy Sunday.   The time to come before God in Worship and Praise. 

Holy Mighty and Everlasting God,  we bring to You in prayer today those Youth from the Synod of Manitoba and North Western Ontario who are wanting to attend Canada Youth 2012  July 3-8 at Brock University in St. Catherine’s  Ontario.   Be with each youth as they strive to raise money to attend this conference.  Be with each Session as they say prayers for the youth and leaders who are attending this conference.    Holy God,  Holy Mighty,  Holy Eternal God  be with the organizers of this conference that they may share the Love of God with each participant.   This we ask in Your son’s name.  Amen

Many blessings!

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Get Ready Saturday

Saturday.  A day of preparing for Sunday.   Of saying prayers for those who are leading worship.  Bill Easum in his book "Ministry during Hard Times" said that in this present era our Church should be giving our top resources to Worship.   And I agree.   Our priority must be worship.  Some people say that only great places like Taize or Iona know how to really worship.   This is not actually true.  One can worship God anywhere together as God's people.  But what people sense in Taize and Iona are the hours spent in prayer.   When one spends time in prayer and meditation of scripture,  one becomes alive in Christ.    
God does not require us to worship but we come on bended knee to worship God out of our great love for God.   So this week,   uphold your Worship Leaders in your prayers.  
Now,  if only the same thing could be said for the weekly dust bunny hunt and general clean up time around our house :)  But then again,  mundane tasks like finding the dust bunnies leads to lots of time spent in prayer!

Get Ready for Worship.....Pray these words slowly and meditate after reading each paragraph.
Great God,  we thank You for the Proclamation workshop being held today at Westwood Presbyterian Church.   Be with the leaders,  Rev Peter Bush and Rev Glenn Ball.  Be with the participants that they may learn how to live life fully as a Christian.  Be with our families and friends and neighbours.   Use us to further Your kingdom here on earth.   
We hold up to You those who are preparing to lead in Worship tomorrow.  Be with the Preachers,  Lay Minsiters,  Worship Leaders,  Choir Directors,  Organists,  those who lead us in songs.    Instill in them the joy of Your Word.  
Forgive us Lord for the times we have left Your work undone.  Forgive us Lord for the times we have gotten discouraged.  Forgive us Lord for the things we have left unsaid.   We thank You that You forgive us and have given us renewed life in You.
Holy God,  may the love of  Jesus Christ take form within our hearts.  May the love of Jesus Christ fill and calm and restore and bring new life into our journeys.  Turn us so that we can always see You.  God of Life,  may this new life flow peacefully with full healing power through our whole physical bodies as well as our Church body.  God of restoration,   may the power of this new life flow into our actions and relationships this day.   This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Amazing Friday

Words.  Yesterday  I was completing an on line Museum course assignment.  I'd read over the question, answered the question,  let the assignment sit for a while,  went back for a couple more read throughs,  then sent the assignment.  It was only this morning as I'm reading someone else's assignment did I remember that I'd forgotten to include two portions of important information in my assignment.    Yikes.      One portion of important information was that the copy of Richard Jack's  "The Battle of Vimy Ridge" was housed in a wooden frame.  Oops.  I'd forgotten all about the frame.  I look at it each Tuesday but totally forgot that the print was in a frame.     Oops.    Such a simple thing.   Kinda like today's  retreat...   words are such simple things and frequently we forget the obvious.  Not only do people listen to our words but also see our actions.
Today stride forth keeping your words and your actions in God's care.

And just for history's sake...   Richard Jack was the first artist hired to paint scenes of the WW1 Canadian Army battles.    Mr Jack didn't want gory scenes but scenes of the work and life of the soldier.      The "Battle of Vimy Ridge"  is a wonderful painting of Easter Monday  early morning with the Gunners  creating an artillery barrage.     The day was cold and snowy,  but there are two gunners with their shirts off... the work was that hot and intense.    Mr. Jack completed the painting in 1919.  Our Museum copy was purchased in the 1920's by the Commanding Officer of the Dauphin Armoury.  The Commanding Officer donated it to the Dauphin Armoury Officer's Mess.   The Dauphin Armoury is no more so our Museum proudly displays this painting.    Indeed here in this painting actions speak louder than words!

Friday Retreat.....
Prayer:   God Holy.  God strong and Holy.  God Holy and Immortal grant us Your peace.  God Holy.  God strong and Holy.  God Holy and Immortal,  grant us Your love.  God Holy.  God strong and Holy.  God Holy and Immortal,  bless us with Your presence.  Amen.

Read:  St. Matthew 12: 33 – 37

Jesus tells the Pharisees that words can be their salvation.  Words can also be their damnation.    This is true for us today.   Words can be our salvation but words can also be our damnation.  Watch what you say.  Watch what you do.  Remember the old saying “actions speak louder than words”?   This old saying is indeed true.  As Christians we share the Good News of Jesus by how we live.  People see our actions and listen to our words and then say, “I want to be like you—an example of Christ!” 
Prayer:   Almighty and Loving God,  help us this day to watch the words that we use.  May we only use words that will bring a positive change into Your kingdom.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Many blessings!

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Amazing Thursday

Today is a day of "aaaah"  after yesterday's  interviews and travelling.   Old Son got home from the interview having no idea how he did but saying he was leaving the hiring or not hiring in God's hands.   Great attitude!   
Husband got home just after supper from his trip into Winnipeg.   Today he heads out to Winnipeg again.    He says that the car could almost go on autopilot :)

Yesterday evening I had a Museum course on-line CHAT.   This is a fascinating piece of technology.  Here are ten people from all over the world,  typing in questions and telling a bit about their Museums/Galleries.  How neat.   And we are each amazed with the differences in the Museums/Galleries.    There are no world standards, but there are sort of country standards.   The Professor has provided us with some great reading from Scotland,  UK,   Australia, and the USA.   It was amazing to Chat on-line with everyone.      We have one more assignment due tomorrow and one more Chat on Monday. 

Chatting on-line with people all over the world is amazing but how much greater is our amazement with the whole universe coming to God in prayer... and there are no breakdowns :)   How amazing!

Daily Retreat......
Prayer:    Holy God,  may the living heart of Jesus Christ take form within my own heart.  May the living heart of Jesus Christ fill and calm and restore and bring new life into my journey.   God of Life,  may this new life flow peacefully with full healing power through my whole body.  God of restoration,   may the power of this new life flow into my actions and relationships this day.   This I ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.  (Flora Slosson Wuellner,  "Prayer, Stress, and Inner Wounds".   Upper Room Books. Prayer of the Heart)

Read:  St. Matthew 12: 22 – 32

A blind and deaf man afflicted with demons is set before Jesus.  Jesus heals the man and all the people were astonished.  The people ask themselves if this could be the Son of David.   But the Pharisees,  ah yes,  the Pharisees have set Jesus up and say to all who hear that Jesus is a prince of demons and that is how Jesus heals.   What?   Can you imagine the Pharisees saying these things just to convince the people that Jesus is not the Son of God?  Yikes.   
Jesus knows what is in the hearts of the Pharisees.  The Pharisees have become cynical.  Interesting when things are not going right in the Synagogue/Temple (or Church today!),  our Spiritual leaders become cynical.   Cynicism is a negative response to frustration and anger.   Jesus responds to the Pharisees by saying “A judge who gives opposite verdicts on the same person cancels himself out;  a family that’s in a constant squabble disintegrates;  if Satan banishes Satan, is there any Satan left?  If you’re slinging devil mud at me,  calling me a devil kicking out devils,  doesn’t that same mud stick to your own exorcists?   BUT if it is by God’s power that I am sending the evil spirits packing, then God’s kingdom is here for sure.”   
At this point don’t you wonder if the Pharisees wanted to run away… or hope the ground opened up so they could disappear.   But Jesus was not done with them yet.  Jesus continues on to say that there is nothing done or said that can not be forgiven.  The Holy Spirit forgives but if the Pharisees (and us) reject the Holy Spirit,  then we separate ourselves off from the love of God.    
Today remember to laugh and forgive and know that anything we do can be forgiven.  Hallelujah!  

Prayer:   Forgive us Lord for the times we have left Your work undone.  Forgive us Lord for the times we have gotten discouraged.  Forgive us Lord for the things we have left unsaid.   We thank You that You forgive us and have given us renewed life in You.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Amazing Wednesday

Today is interview day.    Old Son goes for a Military Museum interview.  This is a summer job that would be working with creating an Interpretive Tour of the Artillery and Guns outside the Museum.  Neat thing about having an interest (obsession?)  with Military History and being a Reservist is he knows the Artillery and Guns.
Husband is heading into Winnipeg for more meetings.
Safe travelling mercies for both of these gentlemen.  And many blessings for each of their interviews - meetings that the outcome be what God is planning for these gentlemen.

Both Old Son and Husband have the ability to get things done quietly and without people noticing.   This is an awesome gift.    The ability to see what needs doing.  The ability to do the task.  The ability to complete the task.  And the ability to do all the taskings without wanting recognition.    What gifts these two gentlemen have and what amazing gifts they have to offer to others.

This is a quilt that I made a couple of years ago for a friend who is now married and living in Ottawa.  The centre fabrics are all Califon by Mark Lipinski... beautiful fabrics.   In each block are inspirational words for marriage... the usual "love, joy, peace"  as well as "gentleness,  prayers,  forgiveness"  :)  This photo always reminds me of summer time and cooling breezes.    This is on my "to make again" list of to do quilts :)

Daily Retreat.....
Prayer:   Holy Lord,  protect us through the hours of this day.   So that we who are wearied by the changes and chances of this fleeting world may rest upon Your eternal changelessness.  We lift to You in prayer all those who work to further Your Kingdom this day.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Read:  St. Matthew 12: 15 – 21

Being aware that the Pharisees wanted to trap Jesus,  Jesus got out of town.  Jesus continued to heal the people.   He cautioned them to keep quiet and remember the words from Isaiah:

“Look well at my handpicked servant;  I love him so much,  take such delight in him.  I’ve placed my Spirit on him; he’ll decree justice to the nations.  But he won’t yell, won’t raise his voice;  there will be no commotion in the streets.  He won’t walk over anyone’s feelings,  won’t push you into a corner.  Before you know it,  his justice will triumph; the mere sound of his name will signal hope, even among far-off unbelievers.”                Isaiah 42: 1 – 4

Take a good look at the stories of Jesus.  God bathed Jesus with the Spirit – God’s very life.   Jesus never calls attention to what he did.  Jesus helped the bruised and healed those who were hurt.  Jesus always remembered the small and insignificant… the children,  those who were outcast,  those who were followers.  Jesus steadily and firmly set things right.  When Jesus tired out and got discouraged,  he took time away to be with God in prayer.   Jesus completes all the work set before him.   What an example.  

Today go forth keeping those who are small and insignificant in your prayers.  Pray for those who are outcast in our society.  Pray that the work of Jesus can continue through you and through the Church universal.   Hallelujah!

Prayer:    Great God,  we pray for those who think they are insignificant.  God of Power and might,  we pray for those who are outcast in our society.  God of Might,  we pray that the work of Jesus continue through our hands and through Your Church universal.  Amen.

Many blessings!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Happy Tuesday

Each Monday I attend Tai Chi classes.    There are usually about 20 of us and over two hours
we practice Tai Chi.  The amusing thing is we don't know each other's names.    We come to
class,  we practice,   we share tea together,  but we still don't know each other's names.   
Humm,  upon reflection,  is this also like the Church today?   We attend Worship and perhaps
Bible Study and other Church programs but could you say who you sat beside each week,  where they
worked (or retired!),  if they are married the spouses name,  and how many children or nieces/nephews are in their family?    We have gotten away from knowing the whole person of God.
There is your challenge for the next two weeks.  Find out about the people in Church and then keep them in your prayers. For after all we are an Easter people!

Daily Retreat.....
Prayer:  Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world,  have mercy upon us.  Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world,  have mercy upon us.  Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, grant us Your peace.   Amen.

Read:  St. Matthew 12: 9 – 14

Again the Pharisees and Jesus clash.   The Pharisees keep pointing out rules that Jesus keeps breaking.    The Pharisees say to Jesus, “Is it legal to heal on the Sabbath”?   They know the answer… and so does Jesus.  The Pharisees were baiting Jesus.  And this is not right.  Having someone point out the rules and regulations in any Church is a good thing but becomes destructive when the person is pointing out the rules and regulations for revenge or a “I know more than you do” attitude.   
Jesus replies to the Pharisees by saying,  “But if one of your lambs fall into a ravine,  even though it was a Sabbath,  wouldn’t you pull the lamb out of the ravine?”   Jesus says to the man with a withered hand,  “Hold out your hand”.   And the hand is healed.  The Pharisees are furious and walk away trying to figure out how they will ruin Jesus.  Yikes!  This is not good.    Why are they being so vindictive to Jesus?  The Pharisees are vindictive because Jesus has shown them another side to God.  Instead of welcoming the new thoughts and praying about a new way to consider God,  they are trapped in their old ways and will not change.  How sad!  Even worse,  they are trying to trap another person through their rules and regulations.    How sad!

But what about us today?   Are there areas in our own life where we do not want to make positive changes?

Prayer:  Christ has Risen!  Christ has Risen indeed!   Christ took all our sins upon himself and gave us Eternal Life.   Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  have mercy upon us.  Lamb of God,  You take away the sins from my heart,  have mercy upon me.  Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  grant us Your peace.   As we live out our life in Your name today,  help us to ask ourselves “What have I done for Christ?”    “What am I doing for Christ today?”  What ought I to do for You today”?    Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  grant us Your love.   Amen

Many blessings!

Monday, 16 April 2012

Aaaaah, Monday

This week I begin an online Museum course on Collections Assessment.   For the vast majority of people that sounds as dull as old dishwater.  But for Museum people,  this course is exciting.    One of the first things we had to do yesterday when we enrolled on-line was to provide a photo of ourselves so everyone would know what we looked like.  Humm,  I don't have a photo of myself that doesn't have fabric or guns or people in it and I"m tech challenged how to photo chop.    So my course photo is of one of our Museum display cabinets.   The Old Blue and Red with Gold Trim and Brass Buttons  Artillery Tunics. Well,  at least now I am identified as being a Military Museum!

How are we identified in God's sight?   We don't need to supply a photo.  God knows us before we know ourselves.   Thank God!   We can come to God just as we are and God knows us.   Praise God!  We can lay before God all our problems and God gives us rest, comfort, and peace.  Thank God!

Monday Retreat.....
Prayer:  Hallelujah Christ is Risen!  Hallelujah,  we are Your Easter people.  We are renewed in Your love.  We are given enthusiasm to carry out Your work this day.  You give us the healing love of Your son.  For this we rejoice.  Amen.

Read:  St. Matthew 12: 1 – 8

Jesus and the disciples are strolling through the grain fields.  Getting hungry,  the Disciples pull off some heads of grain and eat the grains.   The Pharisees hear about this and go to Jesus.  The Pharisees point out to Jesus that the Disciples are breaking the Sabbath.    What is Jesus’ response?  Jesus immediately reminds the Pharisees,  that was a no-no.   Jesus continues to remind the Pharisees that  the Priests carrying out their Temple duties and by doing so break the Sabbath rules? 
Jesus reminds the Pharisees that there is more at stake here than religious rules.  The Message translates this portion of scripture as, “I prefer a flexible heart to an inflexible ritual” 
Today, think about what the word “Sabbath” means to you.  
Prayer:  Great God we rest and abide in You this day.  Provide us with renewed vision of Your church.  Transform our thoughts and our actions to be a reflection of You today.  This we ask in Jesus name.  Amen.

Many blessings!

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Sabbath Sunday

Well the chores from Saturday are complete.  The paperwork has had a great start.  Friends sat at our table and we enjoyed each other's company.   While out on one of our Chores,   we happened upon the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #3's  Flea Market.   For $8.00, we are the brand new owners of a 1970 Carnival Glass Fruit Bowl.      It is a big bowl that we didn't need.  It is a big bowl that we will have problems finding a place to store.   Yet,  we purchased it because of it's beautiful colours.  It reminded us of the colours used in the old Stained Glass windows in Churches. 
In different lights, this bowl changes from turquoise to purples to blue to dark pinks to green.  Amazing what a bit of light will do to illumine the bowl. 
Kinda like our lives.    Amazing what a bit of "light" will do to illumine our lives.  Amazing what Jesus the light of the world will do to illumine our lives.

Have an awesome Sabbath Sunday.  

Prayer for Sunday.....
Great God,  we come before You today with hearts of joy knowing that we can worship You freely.   We come before You today with hearts of peace knowing that Jesus forgave all our sins.  We come before You today with hearts of love  knowing that of the Glorious Resurrection.   We come before You today ready to hear Your words and to rest in Your love.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen

Many blessings

Saturday, 14 April 2012


Happy Saturday!    Yesterday was cleaning up and tidying up and seeing Old Son off on a Military Ball Band gig in US Air Force Base Minot.   There is nothing like having one's mother standing in the house with the window open singing at the top of her lungs "Home,  Home on the Range.  Where Mother never goes Anywhere!  And Old Son goes away to drum all day.  With the Pipe and Drum --mm band!"      God bless Old Son and his patience with his parents :)    It has become a standing semi-humourous  comment around here that our family does not go on a holiday... and hasn't been on a holiday since we moved to Brandon in 2008.     Old Son and I would like to go anywhere on the train and Husband wants to stay home as he is on the road all the time. 
Yet,  what is a holiday anyway?   A holy time.   A time of taking oneself away from their normal everyday lives and exploring God's world.   A time to rejoice in God's presence.   We can actually do that in our own homes.    Turn off the phones,  unplug the TV,   and enjoy God's presence through reading,  meditating,  taking a spiritual development course,  or quilting to name a few.

Shameless advertising....Advertising:  Spiritual Practices Workshop on “Proclamation”.  How to share the Good News of Christ with our Family,  our Friends, and our Neighbours.   Cost is free.  Lunch is provided!  (Wow!)   RSVP the Tuesday before the event you wish to attend to Glenn at  or 204-728-7665.   
Westwood Presbyterian Church,  Winnipeg  April 21  9am to 3pm.  (RSVP by April 17th)                   St. Andrew’s  Geraldton  May 5  9am to 3pm  (RSVP by May 1)                                 
 First,  Portage la Prairie  June 16  9am to 3pm  (RSVP by June 12).                             
What to bring with you:   Bible,  Notebook,  pen.    Invite your family and friends and neighbours to this free event.  

Yesterday I attempted to create the second window of the Cathedral Window quilt I've been working on for over three years.   Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the original squares I thought were 8 1/2" were actually 9".    Ooopsie.   So now I have two Cathedral Window sections that are two different sizes.  What to do?   Snort with laughter at one's stupidity of not leaving the size of the squares in with the project and hammering the completed Window onto a wall.    I will continue the Cathedral Window quilt with the smaller size squares.    Humm,  I wonder if Christopher Wren had this same problem with St. Paul's Cathedral  :)

Saturday's  Retreat......
Great God,  we come before You today in prayer.  We come burdened with problems and You give us rest.  You take our burdens and make them Yours and give us rest for our souls.   We lift up to You today in prayer the Workshop in Proclaiming God’s Good News to our Family,  our Friends,  and our Neighbours.   Be with our Graduating Student  from the Presbytery of Brandon Kathryn Bretzlaff as she seeks out God’s calling.   Be with the Summer Students in Winnipegosis, Kenora Fellowship Centre and Geraldton.    Holy,  Holy,  Holy God,  be with those who will be leading in worship tomorrow.   Prepare all our hearts to be opened to You this day as we live in Your Word and work.   This we ask in Jesus name.  Amen. 

Friday, 13 April 2012

Easter Week Friday

Aaaah,  Friday.   The end of the work week as a work week and the pushing up of one's sleeves for the weekend Worship and work and chores.
Yesterday I was at the Museum getting another mountain of Vimy Night Thank You letters written.   Sixty five thank you letters have gone into the mail box and there is probably another 75 thank you letters to be written.     I was delighted when our Museum Librarian said that she would mail the letters.   That was a huge burden lifted off my shoulders.   For those who drive and have a car,  delivering letters to a post box is not a big thing but for those of us who bus or walk,  mailing letters is an adventure.
Because of the Museum Librarian's  graciousness,  I was able to get to the bus stop early.  And hurrah!   Being early for the bus means trotting across the street and purchasing a chocolate- vanilla ice cream cone :)    How neat to be able to sit at the bus stop,  licking an ice cream cone with the sun shining...a great time to meditate and pray and just be in God's  presence!

Friday Retreat.....
Prayer:  Lord of heaven and of earth,  we worship You this day in joy and praise.  We read and meditate this day upon Your Word.  Help us to listen to Your words so that we can advance Your Kingdom into this world.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Read:  St. Matthew  11: 25 – 30

After yesterday’s  explosion of frustration and disgust,  Jesus breaks into prayer.  Jesus prays,  “Thank You Father, Lord of heaven and earth.  You’ve concealed Your ways from sophisticates and know-it-alls, but spelled them out clearly to ordinary people.  Yes, Father, that’s the way You like to work!”
Everything is in God’s time,  not our own.    If only a few people return to God,  we rejoice.  We also  know that present day Bible Studies, Worships,  Fellowship events  even though attended by only a few,  will change someone’s life in the present and in future. 
Then Jesus gives us the ultimate scripture to memorize so that when we are discouraged,  we can call upon this scripture and return to God.  
Today memorize this portion of scripture:  “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light”.    (St. Matthew 11: 28-30)

Prayer:   Great God we come to You and You give us rest.  You take our burdens upon Yourself and You give us rest for our souls.   We give You thanks and Praise.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Many blessings!

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Easter Week Thursday

Happy Easter Week Thursday!   Take joy in the small things AND the big things.  
 We live right across the street from an Elementary school.  It is now Spring and the students are very joyous.  I am especially delighted to hear some young lad learning how to whistle.  Awesome.   Everyone should know how to whistle!   Unfortunately,  the young lad's  friends aren't amused by his whistling and he has had quite a bit of "Oh pipe down!"   But yet he persists.    Good for him!
The trees are slowly starting to bud and fluff.    Our next door neighbour has an awesome tree that cascades into our yard and provides wonderful shade during the summer.  I'm already thinking book,  shorts,  sandals,  and iced tea :)

Daily Retreat.....
Prayer:   Healing God,  You provide us with life and joy.   May we share Your life and Your love with others we meet this day.  May our life be a light to those who need a light in their shadow of darkness.  In Jesus Christ,  the Light of the world.  Amen.

Read:  St. Matthew 11: 20 – 24

All people who work in the Church need to read and re-read this portion of scripture.  What is Jesus saying here?  He is mighty peeved with the cities where he has worked the hardest to share the Gospel but the people remain unresponsive.   How often do we prepared Worship and only a few people show up?  How often do we prepare  Fellowship times and only a few people show up?  How often do we have Bible Study and only a few people show up?   Worship,  Bible Study,  Fellowship are all events that the Church provides to help point people to God.   Yet,  the worship and events  fall on deaf ears.   We often think we are all alone in getting discouraged.   Fear not!  In these four verses we read of Jesus’  discouragement.   He had preached and done miracles in the cities of Chorazin and  Bethsaida.   Yet,  the people of these cities did not turn to the Good News.   Why did this happen to Jesus?    Why does it still happen today?     We will read tomorrow of why this happens…but here is a small clue for today.   Prayer.    Retreat.  Meditation.   Example of your own life as the Good News of Jesus.
Prayer:   Great God,  help us to be examples of the Good News of Jesus to our family and friends and neighbours.  Divine Healer,  embrace us with Your joy and peace.  Allow us to feel confident that we are moving in the right direction for our lives to bring Your Kingdom here on earth.  Help us to recognize and celebrate all the wonderful things You helped us to achieve and all the people that we have met.  Thank You for the rich experiences You have given to us.  We are truly blessed.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Many blessings!

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Easter Wednesday

To have friends who are positive is a blessing.  Life is so much easier when one has friends who think positively and have a great sense of humour.   I live for Tuesdays so I can be around such positive people.   Each and every one of the Museum Volunteers are such a blessing!   Wow.  When we are around positive people,  we pick up on that positiveness and share our positiveness with others. 

Our Museum is currently working on a 1500 to 2000 loan donation of cap badges and buttons and shoulder flashes.   Each and ever one of the artefacts has to be recorded,  photographed,  record made of the condition of the artefact and then entered into our Canadian Forces Artefact Management System.     This work will take ages.  But what is the attitude of the Museum Volunteers?  Positive -- let's get 'er done.    And humourously,  all of them are saying that it will be great to work on this project and they want their names engraved on a plaque if they die before the work is completed.  

Time of Retreat.....
Prayer:  Alleluia!  Christ is risen indeed!  Almighty God,  You bring us to the Easter season of the glorious Resurrection.  Keep us in the love of Christ. Renew us in body and souls so that our whole lives may be devoted to Your service.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Alleluia!

Read:  St. Matthew 11: 7 – 19

We have just come through the time of Lent and the Glorious Resurrection.  Now we turn back to the portion of St. Matthew we were reading before Holy Week.  This seems like such an abrupt scripture.   The Disciples of John come to Jesus and ask if he is the Messiah.  Yet,  isn’t this what all of us need to ask this Glorious Easter?  
When John’s  disciples left to report back to John,  Jesus turns to the crowd and instructs them about John.  Jesus asks the crowd if they had expected John to be rich and powerful and part of the “in crowd” with the Roman Government/Power?    Jesus lets the crowd know that John is a Prophet – a Messenger who prepared the way for the Messiah.   John is the prophet that Malachi announced when he wrote, “I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.”  (Malachi 3:1).   When Israel thought there were no more prophets,  up comes John the Baptist from the desert who preaches repentance.   Israel had had many prophets in the past,  yet here is a prophet who actually saw the Messiah and introduced the Messiah to the world.
How will you introduce the Messiah to your world today?

Prayer:  Alleluia!  Christ is risen indeed!  Alleluia!  May the God of peace who raised to life the Messiah, make us ready to do His will in every thing and in our every thought.  This we ask through Jesus Christ our Risen Saviour.   Amen. Christ has Risen!  Christ has Risen indeed!   Christ took all our sins upon himself and gave us Eternal Life.   Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  have mercy upon us.  Lamb of God,  You take away the sins from my heart,  have mercy upon me.  Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  grant us Your peace.   As we live out our life in Your name today,  help us to ask ourselves “What have I done for Christ?”    “What am I doing for Christ today?”  What ought I to do for You today”?    Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  grant us Your love.   Amen

Many blessings!

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Easter Tuesday

Easter Tuesday.    Well  the chocolate eggs are just about all consumed  and family has all returned home until the next celebration.    While Easter is now a fond memory,  as Christians we must take the joy of Easter into our everyday lives and share with our friends and neighbours and work companions.    This is a joyous task.  
It was awesome to hear portions of the Govenor General's  speech on Vimy Ridge yesterday.  And neat to know that two of our Brandon Cadets were in Vimy on School tours.   It is the remembering of stories that we continue to pass down to other generations that is so important.  How much more important it is to pass down the resurrection story of Jesus!

Daily Retreat.....
Prayer:  Now let the vault of heaven resound in praise of love that doth abound.  Christ hath triumphed, hallelujah.  Sing, choirs of angels loud and clear,  repeat their song of glory here,  Christ hath triumphed,  Christ hath triumphed  Hallelujah!      Eternal is the gift he brings, where fore our heart with rapture sings. Christ hath triumphed,  Jesus liveth!  Now doth he come and give us life,  now doth his presence still all strife through his triumph, Jesus reigneth!  Hallelujah!       Oh fill us Lord with dauntless love.  Set heart and will on things above that we conquer through they triumph.  Grant grace sufficient for life’s day that by our life we ever say, Christ hath triumphed!  And he liveth!  Hallelujah!   Adoring praises   now we bring.  And with the heavenly blessed sing, “Christ hath triumphed!  Hallelujah!  Be to the Father and our Lord, to Spirit blest most holy God, thine the glory never ending!  Hallelujah!   Amen.   (Hymn 255   Public Domain)

Read through St. Matthew 28: 16 - 20

As  you read through this portion of scripture today,  reflect on what images come into your mind about that very first Easter.
What did it mean for the Disciples to Worship Jesus?  Why were some not sure and held back but risk themselves totally anyway?
What charge did Jesus give to the Disciples?     And us today?  
The Message translates this portion of scripture as “Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you.  I will be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age”.

Prayer:  Christ has Risen!  Christ has Risen indeed!   Christ took all our sins upon himself and gave us Eternal Life.   Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  have mercy upon us.  Lamb of God,  You take away the sins from my heart,  have mercy upon me.  Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  grant us Your peace.   As we live out our life in Your name today,  help us to ask ourselves “What have I done for Christ?”    “What am I doing for Christ today?”  What ought I to do for You today”?    Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  grant us Your love.   Amen

Many blessings!

Monday, 9 April 2012

Monday - 95th Anniversary of Vimy

Today is the 95th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge.    I ponder what it would be like to Celebrate  Easter in the Trenches or in Churches and then prepared for the "big push"  the next day.   How does one Celebrate the Glorious Resurrection one day and go forth in battle the very next day? 
Today our weather is very similar to that at the Battle of Vimy.... cold,  snowy,  driving wind,  muddy.   Most soldiers were fed soup,  hard biscuits, and rum to fortify them for the battle.   We have a copy of a painting of the Battle of Vimy by Richard Jack in our Museum.  The copy portrays  Gunners working the guns.... and they are all shirtless.  In the freezing rain and snow,  they are overheating from the hard work of loading and unloading the guns.   
Today we meditate on the men and women who died at the Battle of Vimy Ridge,  the gift of freedom,  the gift of the Glorious Resurrection, Christ's  instructions to the Disciples,  and the great gift of God's  love for all.
Alleluia!  Christ is risen!

Retreat in Your day......
Prayer:    The day of resurrection – earth tell it our abroad, the Passover of gladness, the Passover of God!  From death to life eternal, from earth until the sky, our Christ hath brought us over with hymns of victory.  Our hearts be pure from evil, that we may see aright the Lord in rays eternal of resurrection light, and, listening to his accents, may hear, so calm and plain, his own “All Hail!” and, hearing, may raise the victor strain.  Now let the heavens be joyful; let earth its song begin; let the round world keep triumph, and all that is therein; invisible and visible, their notes together blend, for Christ the Lord hath risen, our joy that hath no end.  Amen   (Hymn 249 Words:  Greek, John of Damascus, translation by John Mason Neale 1818-1866  Public Domain).

Read  St. Matthew 28: 16-20
Jesus and the Disciples meet in Galilee on the mountain.  Jesus tells the Disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit AND teaching them to obey everything Jesus had commended.  This is one of very few places that mentions the Trinity in the Bible… the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  
Jesus gives the Disciples very specific tasks:
1.  tell everyone of Jesus
2.  baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
3.  teach them the ways of Jesus
We too are given these three tasks of telling everyone about Jesus,  of baptizing,  and teaching about Jesus.  How will you implement these three tasks into your life this day?
In the centre of a quilted wallhanging in the Sanctuary of Sherwood Park Presbyterian Church, is  this portion of scripture  quilted in thread.   The quilted wallhanging is LARGE and contains scenes of Jesus’ life done in cross-stitch.   Many women of the congregation worked on this project.  When it came time to unveil the quilted wallhanging,  the congregation said, “But where is the scripture?”    Because the thread was the same colour as the fabric,  the words are extremely difficult to read.  In fact one almost needs to stand back with a Bible in one hand and a high powered light in the other hand to shine on the central panel where the scripture is sewn.  But isn’t this the way of scripture?  It should be written upon our hearts so that we already know the words!  It is our very lives that brings the Good News to the nations.  Alleluia!  Christ is Risen!

Prayer:   Alleluia!  Christ is Risen!   Almighty God,  who through Your only begotten Son,  we have eternal life.  Renew us in body, mind, and soul so that our whole lives may be devoted to sharing Your Good News with all nations.   Make us ready to do Your will in everything we do or say this day.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Many Blessings!