And so the time of Holy Week begins. A time of meditation upon the journey of Jesus to the cross and beyond the cross to the Resurrection.
Devotional Retreat....
Prayer: Lord Jesus, who through forty days for us did fast and pray, teach us with You to mourn our sins, and at Your side to stay. As You with Satan did contend, and did the victory win, oh give us strength to persevere, in You to conquer sin. As thirst and hunger once You bore, so teach us, gracious Lord, to die to self, and daily live by Your most holy word. And through these days of penitence, and through the Passion tide, now, evermore, in life and death, Lord Christ, with us abide. Abide with us, that so, this life of suffering overpast, an Easter of unending joy we may attain at last. Amen. (Claudia Frances Hernaman 1838-1898 Words: Public Domain)
Read Matthew 26: 1 -5
This is the season of the Church year called “Holy Week”. Along with Jesus and the Disciples, we too journey up to
Jesus turns to the disciples and says that after two days the Passover is coming, and the Son of Man will be delivered up to be crucified. Their friend, their teacher, their companion will be crucified. What do you think the Disciples thought as they heard Jesus saying he would be delivered up? Perhaps sad and sorrowful, perhaps shocked, perhaps astounded. We don’t know what the Disciples thought as their reactions are not recorded in the Gospel According to St. Matthew. But put yourself in the Disciples shoes (or sandals). What would you think? Or do? Or say to Jesus?
Then the Chief Priests and Elders gathered in the palace of the High Priest Caiaphas. During the Exodus, the High Priest were appointed by God (Exodus 28: 1 – 2). The succession of the High Priest was through the sons (Exodus 29: 1 – 9). The High Priest was easily identifiable as he wore specific vestments. The High Priest performed the religious rites, managed the
As you close in prayer today, take each sentence of this prayer and pray it slowly. Meditation upon the ideas and the words. Do not rush these Holy Week prayers.
Prayer: Great God, we come before You today saying, “Here we are Lord. We are listening”. Almighty God, help us to live out this Holy Week in thought, word, and deed. We read today in Your Holy Scriptures of the plot against Jesus. Did the High Priest really know what would happen? Did the Elders of the People really know what would happen by their actions? As we read the journey of Jesus to the Cross and Resurrection this week, help us to walk with Jesus on his journey. Reassure us yet again that Jesus walks with us on our journey of life. Make us mindful of our actions. Redeeming God, we pray by the passion of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to help us in all our trials and to be the strength for our weaknesses. Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world, receive our prayers. Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world, grant us peace. Great God, we know that You love us and give us eternal life and joyful hope. Comfort our hearts and strengthen them in every good word and work so that this Holy Week we may share the Life and Good News of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Many blessings!
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