Sunday, 8 April 2012

Glorious Resurrection - Easter Sunday

Christ is Risen!  Christ is Risen Indeed!

Prayer:  Christ the Lord is risen today,  all creation join to say.  Raise your joys and triumphs high; sing, ye heavens, and earth, reply.  Love’s redeeming work is done, fought the fight, the battle won; lo! Our sun’s eclipse is o’er.  Lo! He sets in blood no more.  Vain the stone, the watch, the seal.  Christ hath burst the gates of hell.  Death in vain forbids him rise.  Christ hath opened paradise.  Lives again our glorious King.  Where O Death is now thy sting?  Once he died our souls to save; where thy victory O grave?  Soar we now where Christ hath led, following our exalted Head; made like him, like him we rise; ours the cross, the grave, the skies.  Hail! The Lord of earth and heaven!  Praise to thee by both be given; every knee to thee shall bow, risen Christ triumphant now!  Hallelujah!  (Hymn 247 Words:  Charles Wesley 1707-1788  public domain).

Read:  St. Matthew 28: 1 – 10
Hallelujah!  Rejoice!  Christ our Saviour is Risen!!!   Mary Magdalene and the other Mary go to see the tomb of Jesus to continue their time of mourning when,  booom!  They are thoroughly shaken by  an earthquake.   An Angel of the Lord appears, rolls back the tomb stone and says to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified.  He is not here, he has risen,  just as he said!”   The Angel of the Lord invites the women to see the empty tomb and instructs them to go and tell the Disciples.  
On the way to tell the Disciples,  Jesus appears to the women and says, “Hail”   This  Greek greeting   means “rejoice”.   Then Jesus tells them not to be afraid… to go and tell the Disciples to go to Galilee and wait for him there.     
Hallelujah!  Rejoice!    The Resurrection is why we are Christians.  

Prayer:  Alleluia, Christ is risen!  Alleluia!  Truly Christ is risen!  The stone containing our sins and burdens has been rolled away O Lord.  Christ is risen!  We shall proclaim what Christ has done!  Alleluia!

Many blessings!

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