Thursday, 12 April 2012

Easter Week Thursday

Happy Easter Week Thursday!   Take joy in the small things AND the big things.  
 We live right across the street from an Elementary school.  It is now Spring and the students are very joyous.  I am especially delighted to hear some young lad learning how to whistle.  Awesome.   Everyone should know how to whistle!   Unfortunately,  the young lad's  friends aren't amused by his whistling and he has had quite a bit of "Oh pipe down!"   But yet he persists.    Good for him!
The trees are slowly starting to bud and fluff.    Our next door neighbour has an awesome tree that cascades into our yard and provides wonderful shade during the summer.  I'm already thinking book,  shorts,  sandals,  and iced tea :)

Daily Retreat.....
Prayer:   Healing God,  You provide us with life and joy.   May we share Your life and Your love with others we meet this day.  May our life be a light to those who need a light in their shadow of darkness.  In Jesus Christ,  the Light of the world.  Amen.

Read:  St. Matthew 11: 20 – 24

All people who work in the Church need to read and re-read this portion of scripture.  What is Jesus saying here?  He is mighty peeved with the cities where he has worked the hardest to share the Gospel but the people remain unresponsive.   How often do we prepared Worship and only a few people show up?  How often do we prepare  Fellowship times and only a few people show up?  How often do we have Bible Study and only a few people show up?   Worship,  Bible Study,  Fellowship are all events that the Church provides to help point people to God.   Yet,  the worship and events  fall on deaf ears.   We often think we are all alone in getting discouraged.   Fear not!  In these four verses we read of Jesus’  discouragement.   He had preached and done miracles in the cities of Chorazin and  Bethsaida.   Yet,  the people of these cities did not turn to the Good News.   Why did this happen to Jesus?    Why does it still happen today?     We will read tomorrow of why this happens…but here is a small clue for today.   Prayer.    Retreat.  Meditation.   Example of your own life as the Good News of Jesus.
Prayer:   Great God,  help us to be examples of the Good News of Jesus to our family and friends and neighbours.  Divine Healer,  embrace us with Your joy and peace.  Allow us to feel confident that we are moving in the right direction for our lives to bring Your Kingdom here on earth.  Help us to recognize and celebrate all the wonderful things You helped us to achieve and all the people that we have met.  Thank You for the rich experiences You have given to us.  We are truly blessed.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Many blessings!

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